Ten Life Lessons From A Record-Breaking Legend

David Kingsbury
Published in
4 min readOct 16, 2020


Photo by Jose Morales on Unsplash

Baseball legend Yogi Berra is as famous for his witticisms and non-sequiturs as he is for his Major League Baseball achievements. That’s no meant feat considering, as a ten-time champion, he still holds the player record for the highest number of World Series wins.

While many of his famous quips appear to be little more than funny, off-the-cuff remarks, some contain timeless wisdom, serving as valuable life-lessons in the form of memorable one-liners.

Here are ten insightful yogi-isms that capture profound ideas with charm and humor, which you can apply to your life with positive effect:

1. “If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up someplace else.”

Clarity is super-important. Especially when it comes to goals. The more you have, the easier it is to hit your target. It is also critical in communication, as so many problems are caused by miscommunication. Don’t make assumptions. Seek clarity by asking questions and repeating back what people say to you. Make sure when you finish a conversation, you are on the same page as the other person.

2. “How can you think and hit at the same time?”



David Kingsbury

Ex-coach turned Copywriter | Words in Start It Up, Mind Cafe, The Ascent, P.S. I Love You + more | Want me to write your emails or web content? DM me here/on X