Ten new business ideas for 2022

Neil Mapes
Published in
5 min readNov 12, 2021


Is 2022 going to be the year you start your own business?

A pair of hands holding a large gently lit light bulb
Photo by Riccardo Annandale on Unsplash

I still get folks asking me how I came up with the name Dementia Adventure. The idea came to me during a brief exchange with a gentleman who was caring for his wife with dementia. I was off travelling, on an adventure to Peru. “Ah, you are leaving Dementia to have an Adventure,” he said. And the name was stuck in my mind. I still get people complimenting me on the name that sums up a great charity. Twelve years on and I am still having ideas for new businesses. But what are your business ideas? What is stopping you from finding your confidence to launch your business idea this next year?

This time last year I wrote an article called Ten new business ideas for 2021. Looking back a few of these ideas have thrived in the last 12 months such as the expansion of refill shops and refill stations within shops, vegan food businesses, local delivery enterprises, e-bikes and bike maintenance and all kinds of businesses that have found ways of renting out things which have previously been bought and owned.

So as we head towards the end of the year and we all start to reflect back on the year we have had and the year about to soon start, perhaps you are thinking this is the year to start your own business. Perhaps you are one of the folks who has resigned from your job in recent times and are…



Neil Mapes

Outdoor swimming coach, trail runner and dinghy sailor. Loving life in the Highlands of Scotland.