Ten Questions to Ask Yourself Before New Year’s

Time to Reevaluate

Jodie Helm www.asktheangels222.com


Photo by Cedric Letsch on Unsplash

If I was a betting person, I’d wager that, like me, you’ve made more New Year’s resolutions than you can count. Some of them were never started, and some of them, the really important ones, you may have stuck with for a month. I would bet you’ve dumped more than you’ve stuck with, am I right? (You could bet the same on me and come out ahead!)

Instead of doing that this year, I’d like to suggest putting some time into self-reflection. Set a couple hours aside before the new year comes, or answer one per day, and consider the following questions.

Question 1: What did I like and not like about 2021?

Make a T-chart and list the things you liked about the past year on one side and the things you didn’t like on the other. Which side is longer? How much of your time did you devote to the things you didn’t like, compared to the things you did like?

Question 2: Am I comfortable and confident in my spiritual belief system?

Consider another T-chart with one side a list of your religious/spiritual beliefs you feel good about, and the other side devoted to things you’re either unsure of or with which you disagree. Again, note which side…



Jodie Helm www.asktheangels222.com

4X Top Writer , Archangel channel, Reiki Master, Bridge. I share the messages I receive from my guides here. My only religion is Love. asktheangels222@gmail.com