Ten Things I Can’t Do As An Autistic Person

From the inconsequential to the hilarious

Annika Hotta


A technicolor image of a masculine-presenting person with short blonde hair holding his outstretched hands to the side of his face. His face is covered in tin foil, which reflects the blue and yellow wallpaper to look green and pink. Only the upper shoulders are visible, and the man is wearing a black tee.
Photo by Vinicius "amnx" Amano on Unsplash

So often autism is thought of as either a superpower or a deficiency, with no room for the actual experience of being autistic. Of course, being autistic is disabling (or rather, the neurotypical world is disabling for autistic people), but it also comes with its fair share of uniquely humorous moments. Today, I bring to…



Annika Hotta

Professional Alexander Graham Bell hater who writes about accessibility, education, disabled stories, & life in Japan.