Ten Things That Happen When Your Husband Gets Old

Ladies, you know where I am coming from!

Ruby Lee


Photo by Ignat Kushanrev on Unsplash

Some of us have been with our husbands for a long time. In my case, it’s 29 years. After a while, couples fall into a routine. You understand each other. You feel annoyed occasionally, but you learn to roll your eyes and get over it. After all, you do love him. Remember you said you loved him on that special day when you said for better or worse.

Still, over time you began to notice that things change a little as we get older. Sometimes the changes are good. Maybe your husband is more willing to pick up after himself. Or, he’s learned how to let you vent without telling you to “calm down.” Or, he finally stood up for you when your mother-in-law gets nasty.

That’s the “better” part that your vows refer to. Then there comes the “worse.” Here are ten examples of how things can get worse after your marriage hits a certain milestone. Keep in mind that the milestone is different for each couple.

Here are some examples of things that are happening at my house. I bet you can identify with them.

1. He drives below the speed limit and wonders why everyone is shooting him the bird when they go around him.



Ruby Lee

Mother, Wife, Teacher, Librarian, Teller of Stories. Author of The Marriage Wars by Leeanne Beasley Berry. Top Writer in Parenting, This Happened to Me, Humor