Ten things YOU can do to be a better feminist

Regardless of your sex or gender

Christina Seliger
3 min readJan 11, 2023


Photo by Valentina Conde on Unsplash

Credit: This article is based on “How to be a feminist” by Marta Breen.

Some people say that we don’t need feminism anymore. They say women can do everything men can, especially in our western world. But the reality looks different for a lot of us. Equality even tends to move backward when we look, for example, at abortion rights in countries like the US and Poland. That’s why we can’t rest. As long as women are still systematically repressed, none of us will live truly free, regardless of sex or gender.

What we can and need to do now:

1. Call things by their name
The word feminist is not an insult. It is not about women against men. Feminists don’t hate men. We only want the same rights and opportunities in life. If you stand for this idea, you are a feminist. Calling yourself a feminist gives power to the movement.
It is not a women’s problem. It is a problem of humanity and includes everyone. Men, women, and everyone in between or outside.
Language gives power. If you know how to use words like femicide, mansplaining, etc., you can communicate your opinions and draw attention to problems.

2. Be in solidarity with women
Stop fighting against women. Stop commenting negatively. Don’t drag your female friends through the mud.
Support women. Men are overrepresented in almost every area. Recommend female artists and writers. Listen to female opinions and consider them in your way of thinking.

3. Focus on each other’s qualities
Society puts a lot of pressure on women to look a certain way. Be pretty, otherwise, you will end up alone. That’s the message.
Let’s stop this.
Compliment women for their qualities, not their looks. Tell your friend you like her ability to express herself.
Ask about what she is reading, not where she got her shoes from.
Be kind and forgiving to each other.

4. Stand up for yourselves and others
Talk back. Interrupt insulting situations. Help women out of them, if it’s at the workplace or a bar. If you see women being uncomfortable or discriminated against, do something or get help. Don’t be a bystander.

5. Be aware
Being a feminist has many different faces. There will always be topics we don’t agree on. And that’s okay.
We have more in common than what divides us. Let’s focus on what we can agree on to accumulate our voices.

6. Have fun
Fighting for a more just world gets exhausting from time to time. Time outs are necessary and helpful to recharge your batteries. Dance, sing, be loud, and don’t hesitate. Life is short, and we should have fun as much as we can.

7. Be okay if someone dislikes you
Making yourself unpopular from time to time is part of being a changemaker. Addressing important issues makes other people uncomfortable, and their coping mechanisms might include letting it out at you. Practice distancing yourself from others’ opinions about you.

8. Get together
Form alliances. Join a feminist association. Alone we feel hopeless. together we become powerful. There are already many amazing groups out there that will welcome you with open arms.

9. Keep your name (if you’re a woman)
It’s simple.
Personal decisions matter. They send an important signal. If no real reason speaks against it, keep it.

10. Accept that nobody is perfect
And nobody has to.
It is not about perfectionism. We all have prejudices imprinted deep into our minds that we cannot completely discard. All we can do is keep reminding ourselves and try to be our best version each day.

“Equality is the goal. Feminism is the way.” — Marta Breen



Christina Seliger

B.Sc. in Environmental Economy, still a curious learner. Writing about sustainability/ economic alternatives/self-development/ feminism/.