You Might Want To Hear This

Ten Things You Need to Hear as the Month Ends.

It’s your sign to pause and take a deep breath.

Sonika Prasad
Published in
3 min readSep 1, 2023


The picture is author’s own. The picture shows the famous Mall Road in Darjeeing. This is from the recent trip my brother and I took. The picture shows a herd of pigeons taking fight as a young boy run towards it. Take some time and look around. Good things take time :)
The picture is author's own.
Take some time and look around. Good things take time :)

1. Your journey

The path you’re on might not reflect the goal you strive to achieve but your younger self is proud of how far you’ve come. Take strength from your younger self or make them proud.

2. You are where you need to be

You aren’t “behind”. Lagging behind in life is a myth. No one has every aspect of their lives meticulously planned or has everything sorted out. Even the most accomplished individuals confront moments of doubt and those with very little find contentment. Living life is a journey and the timeline for success is unique to everyone. Every being has a different definition of success.

3. Release what released you.

There is absolutely no justification to confine your energy to something that has cast you aside or an event that belongs in the past. The bygone has been released and set free and you must let the past be in the past. Discard everything that no longer harmonizes with your current state.

4. Your feelings are valid

If it makes sense to you, it doesn’t necessarily have to be understood by others. You don’t need external validation to substantiate your feelings. Your emotions are genuine and so are your sentiments. Trust your instincts.

5. You are your oldest friend

Prioritize yourself and your needs. As an age-old Hindi saying goes, “akele aye ho, akele jana padega” which translates to “You’ve entered this world alone, and you will exit it alone. Know your worth and don’t compromise your boundaries. Remain true to your core values.

6. Go with the flow.

You might find yourself caught up in a chaotic situation or with a difficult person but remember, you are the one steering the course. If you don’t take charge of your own rescue, nobody else will. Vengeance isn’t a necessity, seek tranquility and release control of the situation. Be mindful of what saps your energy because sometimes, you can’t control them but you can control how you respond.

7. The night is still young.

You are not “too old” start again, follow your dreams, fall in love, quit, learn something new, and switch directions. Things might look impossible but you’ll never know what lies on the other side if you don’t take the leap of faith.

8. Don’t regret having a good heart.

While people might have failed you and let you down on numerous occasions, holding onto a good heart and soul is rare. Be honest in your actions, words, intensions, and the rest shall follow. Everything comes back in a full circle. A pure heart always has the last word.

9. Where you are is not who you are

Mistakes have been made in the past and surely you will continue making it in the future as well cause to err is human. Having said that, it certainly doesn’t mean that your worth, caliber, and hard work can only take you so far. Life is a sprint and needs to be lived accordingly. Catapult yourself into being a kinder, better version of yourself with each passing day.

10. If you are overthinking

Leaving that situation didn’t feel like abandonment, it felt like self-care. Read that again.

Now, go on. Put a smile on your face.

This is a reminder to take a deep breath.

Unclench that jaw.

Inhale lots of love in and exhale lots of love out.

Yours truly,


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Sonika Prasad

Chemistry Grad Student, you'll mostly find me in the lab. Not a wordsmith, no better than ChatGPT, twisted like a pretzel, uses word to make sense.