Terminologies of Heart Health for Newbies

Ijaz Ali Khan
Published in
7 min readDec 12, 2021
Photo by Robina Weermeijer on Unsplash

Most people start to worry about their cholesterol levels when they cross into their mid-30s. The researchers of the reputable National Health Service Health Check analyzed the data of 1 and half million online visitors. The data showed that 79 per cent of the visitors who wanted to assess their heart health did not know about their total cholesterol levels.

Such is the depth of oblivion in the masses of developed nations, leaving aside that of the Third World nations where masses are uneducated and lack awareness regarding cardiovascular issues. This article is a mere introductory effort for beginners to understand the different terminologies about cholesterol.

High levels of bad cholesterol are the preamble to cardiovascular diseases and complications. Therefore doctors consider cholesterol levels important indicators while diagnosing heart-related problems.

Cardiovascular diseases and complications are responsible for a whopping annual death of more than 17 million individuals worldwide (World Health Organization). Being a prime killer of the sizable part of humanity, personal information about heart health and risks is minuscule.

This article is an effort to acquaint readers with the most important and frequently used terminologies relating to cardiovascular health and risks. It also includes information about some essential tools and procedures employed for the diagnosis of heart-related diseases. Although introductory in its nature, this article would provide enough information for newbies to kick start their research for more intensive information.

Keywords: Cholesterol, heart health, Cholesterol levels, blood pressure, cardio vascular issues

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Cholesterol is a kind of fat, waxy in nature and calls home to the bloodstream and body cells. The liver is the internal industrial zone where cholesterol is made. Some external sources like dairy products, poultry products, animal meat, and seafood are also rich in cholesterol. Plant-based products like vegetables, grains and fruits lack cholesterol. The function of cholesterol is vital and it is one of the important building blocks of body tissues. It is an important precursor when it comes to the synthesis of sex hormones and bile productions.


There are two types of cholesterol. These are medically known as LDL (Low-Density Lipo-protein) and HDL (High-Density Lipo-protein) and are compounds of proteins and fats that nurture the body tissues via the bloodstream.


LDL, also known as “Bad Cholesterol” are bad for health. It is the primary cause of the hardening of arteries. It is known for the building of plaque in the arteries through accumulation. This accumulation leads to two prongs of very different and ugly complications. Firstly, it narrows the blood vessels thereby creating a hurdle for the necessary and vital oxygen-rich supply and flow of blood to the tissues of the body. Secondly, it leads to the creation of blood clots, which blocks the flow of blood and results in heart attack and strokes. Safe numbers should not ideally exceed 100 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL).

4. HDL (High-Density Lipo-protein) HDL also known as “Good Cholesterol” is good for health. It is anti-LDL and helps in cleaning the body systems away from bad cholesterol. This cholesterol actively aids in maintaining the health of arteries and blood vessels. It hoards the bad cholesterol to the liver where through the process of detoxification they are exterminated and excreted from the body. Studies have shown that HDL also helps in reducing cardiovascular issues like heart attacks and heart strokes. Similarly low levels of HDL increases the risk of cardiovascular issues. National Institute of Health has recommended that HDL levels below 40 milligrams per deciliter are a threshold for cardiovascular implications.


The measure of the amount of cholesterol you have in your blood is known as total cholesterol level. It is important to note that this measure also considers the triglycerides level in your blood. Levels that are studied to be ideal are below 200 mg/dL and numbers between 200 and 239 milligrams are considered the threshold. Whereas cholesterol levels above 240 mg/DL are highly detrimental to heart health.


Your doctor or personal physician can never skip triglycerides levels as a major factor in your heart health. These are special types of fat or lipids having an abode in your blood tissue. Extra calories that you take are converted to and stored in the form of triglycerides. Later on, hormones break down triglycerides when the body is in need of energy. An excess amount of triglycerides is known as hypertriglyceridemia.


Hypertension is known as the leading cause of cardiovascular diseases. When the velocity of blood flow exceeds its normal value over the passage of time and creates unhealthy pressure against the walls of arteries. Technically it can be stated that it is the measure of the blood pumped by the heart and the relative amount of resistance to the blood flow by the arteries. Blood pressure is measured in millimeters of mercury (mm Hg).

· Systolic Blood Pressure (Top numbers)

The measure of built pressure in your arteries when the heart pumps the blood. This type of pressure usually targets the elderly population. Recommended numbers for SBP are less than 120 mm Hg.

· Diastolic Blood Pressure (Bottom numbers)

It is the measure of built pressure in your arteries between the heartbeats. Recommended numbers for DBP are less than 80 mm Hg.

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The term cardiovascular disease encapsulates any disease that affects the human heart and blood vessels. Some heart diseases with brief descriptions are listed below.

· Coronary heart disease

When the blood vessels supplying blood to the heart get narrowed or blocked.

· Heart attack

The sudden blockage or stoppage of blood supply to the heart

· Angina

Angina is the sudden rise of chest pain due to low blood flow to the heart

· Congenital heart disease

Abnormal heart conditions that come along with the birth of an individual

· Hypertension

When the blood vessels experience increased pressure from the stream of blood flow

· Stroke

The blood supply to any part of the brain suddenly gets stopped

· Vascular dementia

Vascular dementia results due to low blood flow to the human brain

· Arteriosclerosis

It happens when your large arteries turn sturdier and very inflexible.

. General Procedures for Diagnosing Heart Diseases

A variety of tools and procedures are used for the diagnosis of heart-related diseases and complications. Some of the procedures and tests are listed with brief descriptions

· Cardiac enzyme tests

With the help of these tests, the possibility of a heart attack is diagnosed or ruled out

· Full blood count

Commonly known as FBC, it helps to diagnose infections like anaemia and measures a variety of blood types levels

· Thyroid function tests

This test checks the levels of a hormone called thyroxin. Certain heart conditions and complications are caused due to higher levels of thyroxin.

· Lipid profile

This measure the levels of good or bad cholesterols

· Liver tests

A faulty liver may have indirect implications for heart health and create risks.

· Clotting screen

It measures how fast a specific specimen of blood clots.

· BNP tests

It measures the elevated level of hormones and calculates the risk of heart failure.

· U and Es test

A list of chemicals like sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium are vital for a healthy heart. U and Es test measure the level of these chemicals and electrolytes in the blood.

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· Electrocardiogram ECG and EKG

It is a type of portable machine which is physically painlessly attached to the human body. It is attached at various points on the chest and strapped to the wrists and ankles of the patient. The heartbeat and rhythm are recorded via an electrical signal on a long strip of graph paper. This strip of paper is read by physicians to diagnose a variety of heart complications.

· Echocardiography

The word echocardiography signifies the use of sonic waves in creating an animated picture of the heart. The animated image is examined by the physicians to collect information about the structure and function of the heart valves and chambers.

· Cardiac Catheterization and Coronary Angiography

This procedure helps doctors to evaluate the function of the heart. Heart physicians use this technique to confirm various cardiovascular diseases.

· Cardiac MRI

Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging comprises a computer, magnet and radio waves. Lab technologists use this technology to create 3D images of the heart.

· Chest X-Ray

Chest X-ray is also known as chest radiograph. it is a projection radiograph used on the chest for diagnosing conditions affecting the chest.



Ijaz Ali Khan

I am a true friend of the world, biodiversity, flora and fauna, and the invaluable cultures all around the world. I consider my self a humble pebble of change .