Texting yourself is the new ‘sexy’!

WhatsApp's messaging yourself is literally the best feature.

2 min readAug 10, 2023


Photo by Content Pixie on Unsplash

While the term “sexy” might be an unconventional description for a productivity tool, WhatsApp’s self-messaging feature is undeniably appealing. It’s a tool that combines simplicity with functionality, making it an unexpectedly attractive option for anyone looking to streamline their daily tasks and thoughts.

I keep using it to write my grocery requirement, new job findings/posts, quotes from Twitter etc.

Well not many people don’t use it (even my parents are unaware of the feature), but I believe it’s an amazing update.

Have you ever had a brilliant idea, a to-do list item, or an important piece of information pop into your head at the most inconvenient time? With a simple text to yourself, you can capture those fleeting thoughts instantly, ensuring they’re not lost in the sea of distractions that surround us.

My personal chat with myself have become a treasure trove of ideas, notes, and reminders.

Most surprisingly it’s seamless Multidevice Functionality allows me to self-message in almost any device.

Consider your self-messages as gentle nudges to your future self. As you send reminders and insights, you’re essentially providing your future self with valuable guidance. It’s a unique way to foster personal growth and maintain a continuous dialogue with yourself.

Thanks for reading!!

