That One Moment

And it changed everything.

Suvadeep Paul
3 min readNov 2, 2023


3 years ago, I was in the first year of my college life and to be completely honest, I already realized I didn’t want a 9–5 life. And it has ended up me trying out different stuff. As much as I can remember, I have tried:

  • Digital marketing,
  • Web designing agency,
  • A YouTube channel on gaming,
  • Running Ads (Facebook, Google),
  • Creating a meme page on Facebook,
  • Building a theme page on Instagram.

After trying and failing in all of them in November 2021, I’ve finally found out about writing. I started writing on Medium and then started my own blog ( But the problem was that Medium doesn’t pay Indian writers and blogging takes time to monetize.

As I was already promoted to my third year of my degree, I didn’t have time. I had to figure out something to make money fast. That is when I started looking for freelancing opportunities.

After doing some research, I got to know that having a personal brand is the best way to make freelancing a full-time gig for a person and at that time, LinkedIn was popular to build a personal brand on. So with some suggestions from a friend, I started creating content there. But that didn’t last long.

Initially, I really enjoyed my time there (dopamine hit from starting a new thing) but soon negativity started taking over. Every day I used to open LinkedIn to see random individuals showing off their achievements. And in the back of my mind, that made me doubt my abilities. So I started being less consistent and rarely engaging with others. Eventually, after 3 months, I quit. I came back to writing on Medium again.

When all this happened, I was desperately looking for opportunities. I barely had 8 months before my college ends. Then Bishal Saha came as an angel to me. He was ghostwriting for a big account at the time so he suggested me to start on Twitter (now 𝕏). I had no options so I thought of giving it a try and that one platform changed my life.

After creating content for 3 months there, I landed my first client. And then opportunities started knocking on my door. I made more money than an average software developer in my country. And now I am earning enough money to retire my parents but the sky is the limit.

I’ve started an agency with one of my friends from 𝕏 and recently collaborated with a 7-figure business owner from Morocco. In the next six months, we’ll hit $50k+ MRR.

Sometimes I feel grateful that I’ve listened to Bishal Saha and started on 𝕏. I imagine where I could be if I never listened to him.

That one moment, one decision has completely changed.

(Bro, if you’re reading this, trust me, a big thank you from the bottom of my heart. You owe me a favor.)

For the readers, keep on going. Keep showing up and you never know when your life will change. I am the living example. All it takes is one moment or decision.

If you also want to change your life by creating a brand on 𝕏. Join 550+ readers in my newsletter. I provide actionable tips every day to build an irresistible brand on 𝕏.

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