That Sad Looking Old Woman Can’t Possibly Be Me

Linda Osipow ~ Crazy, Almost Old Farm Wife
Published in
10 min readMar 28, 2022


Facing the Toll of Four Hard Years

One of my Facebook friends recently posted a selfie, with some flippant comment about how she was still hot even though she had just turned 50. She also said that black & white filters are our friends at this age.

We went to school together. My 50th birthday is just around the corner. The years have certainly been kinder to her than have been to me.

I haven’t really allowed many pictures to be taken of me these past few years and I am certainly not a fan of selfies. I can never make them look ‘natural’.

I decided to give her tip a try and took a few in black & white. It really didn’t help that much. I still look old. I would imagine her use of makeup may have tipped the scales somewhat.

I decided to take a little stroll down memory lane and see if I could pinpoint the moment that the aging process really started accelerating.

👆👆👆👆 April 2018 👆👆👆👆~

I see this picture and can’t help chuckling at the fact that a couple of years before this Grandma had lectured me about how smoking…



Linda Osipow ~ Crazy, Almost Old Farm Wife

Half a century of walking the planet and what have I learned? I don't know jack! Life SHOULD be a splendid journey, but people tend to get in the way.