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The 1 Reason Most People Procrastinate — And They’re Clueless About It

Guled Abdullah
Published in
2 min readSep 14, 2022


We all have experienced it at some point: that nagging feeling that we should be doing something productive, followed by a sudden urge to do anything but.

Whether checking our social media feeds, tidying up our desks, or taking a nap, we have all been guilty of putting off work that we should be doing. But why do we do it?

We procrastinate because we lack clarity. Clarity on the why, what, and how.

And this lack of clarity creates this phenomenon known as “decision fatigue.”

Decision fatigue occurs when we have to make too many decisions in a short period of time, and our brain starts to wear down from the effort. As a result, we begin to feel overwhelmed and exhausted, and our ability to make rational decisions decreases.

This is why, after a long day of being inundated with choices, we are more likely to choose the easier option of doing nothing at all.

The good news is that there are ways to combat decision fatigue and avoid falling into the trap of procrastination. Here are a few tips:

  • Break down your tasks into smaller, more manageable pieces.

When facing a large project, it can be helpful to break it down into smaller tasks you can complete over time. This will help you avoid feeling overwhelmed by the project and increase your motivation to get started.

  • Set realistic goals for yourself.

Trying to accomplish too much in too little time is a recipe for disaster. Instead of setting unrealistic goals, set smaller ones you know you can achieve. This will help you stay on track and avoid getting discouraged.

  • Take breaks throughout the day.

When you feel your energy flagging, take a break! Go for a walk, snack, or just step away from work for a few minutes. This will help refresh your mind and body and allow you to return to your work with renewed focus.

Procrastination is something we have all struggled with at one time or another. But by understanding that getting clear and simplifying our tasks, we can end procrastination.



Guled Abdullah

Insanely Curious and Wildly Obsessive About Improving Myself. | Writing: Psychology, Fitness, Spirituality, World