The 15 Highest Selling Sports Video Games of All Time

For all platforms from PC to Nintendo

J.J. Pryor


A top level view of the Toronto Blue Jays Stadium like it would look in a video game
Photo by Tim Gouw on Unsplash

A lot of my friends have been getting frustrated watching NFL these days — much to my amusement. There’s even been talk of them switching to playing NFL as a video game instead.

I’m sure they were just joking, but it got me curious nonetheless.

I’ve played a lifetime of video games over the years and definitely overplayed a few sports franchise ones too.

It got me wondering what the most popular sports video games were since this new industry was spawned.

And probably the best way to identify that is by looking at their sales — even though some people surely pirated copies.

So here’s a list for those also curious — the most sold sports video game franchises of all time!

Which ones did you play?

The 10 highest-selling sports video game franchises of all time


First on the list is the FIFA franchise — with an insane 282.4 million copies sold worldwide!

Fun facts:

  • It was the first game to be officially licensed by the actual FIFA organization and still is today



J.J. Pryor

3.01 Mil reads | Ex-pat | Ex-Head Product | Ex-cuse Me | PB&T creator | Top 100 Writer |