The 164 House Republicans Were Probably Reelected

They voted against condemning racism

Floyd Mori


Photo by Eric Vega on Unsplash

They would not agree that racism is wrong

There were only fourteen Republicans in the United States House of Representatives who voted to condemn racism against Asian Americans. The resolution by Congresswoman Grace Meng (D-NY) had simply asked her House colleagues to agree that racism against Asian Americans because of the coronavirus was wrong.

The simple resolution was not a law and did not require much. The fourteen Republicans who voted with the Democrats were the brave ones who dared to condemn racism rather than to bow to Donald Trump. The 164 Republican House members who voted no on the resolution declined to agree that racism is wrong.

Since Trump began to call the coronavirus names related to China, Asian Americans have seen a big increase in hate crimes and racist rants against them. Some other political leaders have joined in by using the same words.

One Republican Congressman who voted against the resolution and would not condemn racism against Asian Americans told a constituent that he is definitely not racist. He said he opposed the resolution because he thought it was a political attack on Trump for his words.



Floyd Mori

Floyd Mori, born in Utah, is a former College Teacher, Mayor, CA State Assemblyman, Consultant, and CEO for Nonprofits.