The 2 Most Overly Used Job Requirements in Technology Hide an Ugly Truth

Sometimes they mean absolutely nothing at all

Jesse Bramani


Photo by Gratisography from Pexels

I started looking for a new job about two months ago. After about three months of being laid off, it was time to get back in the hunt. I was done with my phase of self-discovery.

I discovered that I was running out of funds. I discovered that having no job didn’t fit my lifestyle of having gas in my car, buying groceries and making the inside temperature of my house feel more summery than wintery.

I started cautiously. I updated my LinkedIn profile. I spruced up my dusty old resume. The last time I actually searched for a job was about a decade ago. The landscape looked a little different now. The big dog of the game from a decade or so ago, Monster, seemed to have been declawed and muzzled.

While searching, I came across a lot of fluffy descriptions. A LOT of repetitive spiels. The same phrases, the same promises, the same of just about everything. So much so, I often wondered if I was stuck on a model train in the Twilight Zone.

Two phrases stuck out to me the most. Almost every job requirement repeated the same tired old lines.

You’ve heard the popular internet meme, “once you see it, you can’t unsee it.”



Jesse Bramani

I write about software, technology, satire, personal experiences and a mixed bag of randomness.