Make Your Life Count: Avoid These 3 Expensive Regrets on Your Deathbed

Focus On Time, Talents, And Treasures.

Ahmadou DIALLO ✪


“How many ghosts are gonna be around your bed when your time comes?”

Denzel Washington

How are you investing your time correctly?

How worthy is a dead talent?

Why are you clinging to those treasures?

I want that car. I want that beautiful house by the sea. I want that fantastic title at work. I want to be rich, crazy rich.

I want many cars. I want many houses. I want many titles. I want more money than I could spend in my lifetime.

Yes, I am guilty of those thoughts. I confess that I am tempted to sneak peek at other people’s success, fame, and wealth.

Yet there is a catch. There are two.

First, we all display more of our successes than our failures. We love to downplay the role luck, our environment, and many other factors beyond our control played in our success.

We might have paid a hefty price physically, mentally, and emotionally to get that car, that house, that title, and that amount of cash.



Ahmadou DIALLO ✪

🏆 Top Medium Writer in Ideas. I am a professional storyteller who can help you share your stories. Find out more here: