The 3 Personalities of Every Online Writer— How to Find Harmony

I had to fire my Entrepreneur and beg my Technician to come back!

Ram Mo


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Michael E. Gerber introduced this framework in "The E-Myth Revisited." I've adapted it to fit the online writer's world to give writers -like me-, who are transitioning from amateurs to professionals, clarity.

I regret little in this life, but had I done this a month earlier, I would have saved myself a lot of frustration.

Understanding this framework lets you pinpoint precisely what is wrong with your approach. Failing to understand it might keep you stuck in a place where extra effort alone can't help you.

If writing is your hobby, keep doing what you're doing.

If you want it to pay the bills, it's then a business, you're an entrepreneur, and this is for you.

Understanding The 3 Personalities Of Every Solopreneur

The problem is that everybody who goes into business is three-people-in-one: the Entrepreneur, the Manager, and the Technician. While each of these personalities wants to be the boss, none of them want to have a boss. — Michael E. Gerber

The Entrepreneur ( The Dreamer )



Ram Mo

People-loving introvert writing his way to entrepreneurship, wisdom and a great life (No degree required!)