The 3 Questions to Ask Yourself to Manifest Your Best Life

Lessons from KonMari, the Growth Mindset, and the Psychology of Patterns

Julee Everett


A full rainbow, over open water.
Image by Author.

Rachel is a founder, a bringer of ideas, a bias-toward-action, err on the side of collaboration kind of gal. She’s started communities of practices, meditation groups, mentoring circles, and book clubs. She serves on conference boards. She speaks at conferences. She mentors others. Her philosophy is that opportunity drives opportunity.

But now, she’s tired. The kind of fatigue that sucks the energy out of the (virtual) room, that shows up in destructive self-talk, and that leads to long hours of escapism through novels or binge-watching Netflix. Despite her accomplishments, this was not the life she dreamed of.

Rachel is a human anagram. She’s part me, part colleague, part friend, part neighbor, part stranger. If you relate, read on to discover three questions that can help you design your best life.

Is this serving my best life?

Out with the old, in with the new — it’s not just an adage; it’s a life lesson that reminds us we have to create space for potential to unfurl.

When you are building something, like your business, your personal brand, or your career, “Yes” can be a…



Julee Everett

Writer, reader, observer. People enthusiast. Overdoes bird watching and waterfalls, can’t pass up a good cup of coffee. Hails from NW Georgia.