The 3 States That Make Us Intelligent Beings

Remy Awika
Published in
5 min readDec 5, 2020

We have been neglecting the extent of our human potential

Photo by Sam Lake on Unsplash

The efforts we've made to understand our nature has given us 2 states to work with; physical and mental.

There seems to be an imbalance in that theory since ancient wisdom tells us that Three are the number of units needed to achieve perfect equilibrium.

Three has been seen in numerous religious and mythological texts, most notably the Tree of Life, The Holy Trinity, ….. among others.

The third state we've barely explored is our Astral state. The state believed to hold mysteries hidden to all us, yet forever existing within us.

We've been working with missing ingredients

Ancient civilizations attained wisdom that allowed them to reach the highest human potential. They've understood the natural forces that co-exist in our world and some believe they've even mastered them.

Their cities were constructed using precise geometry that creates frequencies and vibrations, to attain a higher state of consciousness and connect with the Cosmos.

In the centre of the brain lies our most powerful organ. The pineal gland.

We can see its depiction in ancient symbols, most associated with the eye of Horus, Dionysus' staff shaped like a pine cone and the 3rd eye in ancient Indian texts.

We know very little about this gland, much like everything else, but what we do know is enough to blow your mind.

“My view is that this gland [pineal gland] is the principal seat of the Soul.” ~ Rene Descartes

Thoth the Atlantean was one of the founders of our race. He dwelt the Earth for ages before teaching us "cavemen" ancient wisdom. His teachings drew us out from the caves and sparked our intelligence. We were left with bits and pieces of this knowledge and we've made it our own over time.

One of the pieces we've neglected was the principal of cause and effect. The technologies and advancements we focus on take everything else for granted. These effects make the world seems like it's springing into chaos.

The 3 states

Three are the states that make us human. Physical, Mental and Astral.

The pineal gland is the only organ that releases Melatonin and Serotonin. the 2 ingredients that regulate our sleep and ignite sensations of happiness.

Besides these physical functions, it is also home to our non-physical powers. These include our intuition, our perception of reality, telepathy, connection to a higher power and most importantly, our intellect.

The phrase “knowledge is power” existed long before our time and all “Godly” deities possessed incredible powers, as an effect of the higher knowledge they gained that turned into wisdom.

Wisdom can only be achieved through a complete understanding of a subject.

“If you can’t explain it to a 6-year-old, you don’t understand it yourself” — Albert Einstein

If we compare our present materialistic nature to the mental nature of the ancient world, we can notice a shift in our focus. Long gone are the days where careful planning and execution is accomplished.

One of the biggest mysteries that puzzle us is death. The fear that comes with the unknown makes even the strongest of us succumb to darkness. We are not any closer to finding the missing pieces but we distract ourselves further, disregard the effects we are causing to our world and to each other.

These effects have distorted our mental state, severing our connection with our 3 states of being.

In the animal kingdom

In some animals, the pineal gland is more developed than ours. It drives instinctual knowledge and allows them to communicate in ways we can't comprehend.

Birds communicate through telepathy and sound waves.

Sir Alex Ferguson kept a picture of birds flying in perfect formation in his office. He used it as a reminder to his players; that there can only be 1 leading the flock, through clear and precise communication, reaching the goal with elegance and ease.

Dolphins use echolocation to read their surroundings. They send high and low frequencies of sound that bounce off objects and return to them. In their mind, they can calculate the distance to objects and navigate the seas with ease.

These highly evolved animals live their lives conscious of their full potential, while we struggle for most of our lives to find our own. They experience freedom in its purest form and their life purpose seems clearer than ours.

It makes me wonder why we consider ourselves the most intelligent beings?

The Human Astral Body

Three are the things to consider when developing your astral state.

The 7 Chakras

The chakras serve as points of energy in your body. Each comes with its own set of functions and mastering each unlocks your higher potential.

Different emotions vibrate at different frequencies. Because they are tied to our emotions, mastering your chakras allows you control over them. That doesn't mean that you choose how to feel or change how you feel instantly, it means that you understand what you're feeling at any given moment and you're ready to shift your mindset and vibrate at the required frequency.

The Aura

The aura field has been represented by numerous intellectuals. Its most famous depiction came from Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man.

It resembles the magnetic field Earth creates around itself. On the edge of that field lies the Van Allen Belt. A protective radiated field that protects the planet from outside danger.

Your field gets stronger as your physical and mental connection becomes more stable.

Connecting physical and emotional

When you stop yourself from feeling, you suppress your emotions. Now, these don't just magically disappear, instead, they pile up in our physical body and one day you see yourself falling into a depressive state, experience anxiety or a rage outburst.

This process is called Somatization.


You've likely heard of astral projections. The ability to free our soul from our physical body and roam formless and free in the Cosmos.

Doesn't that sound like some next-level fantasy?

Our astral nature sounds mysterious and hard to believe but in the times we live in, a little magic won't hurt anyone.

“It is only through mystery and madness that the soul is revealed” — Thomas Moore



Remy Awika

Student of the Mysteries, inspired by creativity and happiness.