The 3 Strategic Marketing Elements

Once you understand the strategy, you can apply the right techniques

Randye S Spina, MBA


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Prospects sometimes ask, “What am I doing wrong?” or they tell me, “I’ve been doing XYZ marketing, but it isn’t working.

The answer might be that you ARE doing the right thing, but not to the right segment, or your timing is off, or even that the tactic is being done correctly, but strategically it doesn’t make sense.

Telecomm company’s crossed signals:

A telecommunications company spent a significant portion of its marketing budget on an email list purchase, and the effort failed.

Why? Their timing was all wrong. Their acquisition campaign targeted public school administrators and dropped the first week of September — the worst timing for distracted administrators is during the first few weeks of a new school year. Second, they lost credibility because they didn’t understand the industry and just dove right in.

Be respectful of your audience’s environment

Result: An edited subject line, along with better timing, served them well. They got sales appointments and were on their way to a successful entry into this new industry segment.



Randye S Spina, MBA

Non-fiction author, marketer, agency owner, award-winning professor, nonprofit board member. Hopelessly interested in everything