The 4 Stages of Self-Awareness

Stage 5 (Awareness of Awareness)

Yaqoob Ahmad


You know when ideas hit you in the head out of nowhere.

Like a fly hitting your face while walking in the street. Maybe a squirrel jumping onto you from a tree or a pigeon trying to decapitate you. It’s essential to get those ideas down; otherwise, they may never come again.

So in an attempt to get my ideas down in a neat and helpful manner, I’ve come up with what I believe to be the complete list of the stages of self-awareness. Enjoy.

Stage 1: Awareness of the brain

“Self-awareness is the ability to take an honest look at your life without any attachment to it being right or wrong, good or bad”. — Debbie Ford

Jumping right into it, the process of self-awareness begins with the brain. You come across a moment, a change in life or an article (like this one) that causes your brain to consciously decide to ‘click’ and suddenly become aware of itself.

How do you find that moment?

Live. Do things, experience things, get inspired. Or simply meditate and focus on your brain for 5 minutes. Either way works.



Yaqoob Ahmad

The magic you're searching for is in the work you're avoiding.