The 5 Essential “Tech” Tools for Your Home Office

Gear not to be overlooked in the quest for more productivity

Matt Inman


Photo by Carl Heyerdahl on Unsplash

If you had to pick five essential tech tools for working from home, what would you choose?

Consider all the “tech” around you; everything is fair game.

Do you have your list?

The question I keep asking myself is:

What would cause the most stress if I didn’t have access to it?

Mark Ellis and I recently discussed these five essential tools on his YouTube channel.

This article is a companion piece to the video.

1. Flow, hacking your brain

The first item is possibly the ultimate life hack.

It’s the concept of flow.

How often have you got ready to work, sat down at your computer, and your mind wasn’t in it? You stare at the blank page, and the words aren’t coming, or if they are, it’s like pulling teeth to get them to form cohesive sentences.

Many of you may relate to this struggle with writing.

I don’t recall when exactly I ran across this TED talk titled: Flow, the secret to happiness by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. Csikszentmihalyi, a…



Matt Inman

Writer, Tech, and Travel nerd. Connecting with amazing people to encourage you to take action in your life. Let’s talk —