The 5 Principles You Need to Find Authentic & Sustained Happiness

Applying psychological positivity to the pursuit of happiness

Tori Nauer


Image courtesy of the Author

According to the founder of psychological positivity, Dr Martin Seligman, there are five core principles to authentic and sustained happiness in life. Positive emotions, engagement, relationships, meaning and achievement, or PERMA for short.

To better understand my psychology and work on my happiness, I’ve been evaluating these five aspects of my life and I’ve learnt a few things worth sharing.

So let’s discuss these principles, analyse our thoughts and behaviours and recognise the best areas for change in the pursuit of happiness in our every day lives.

1. Positive Emotions

Do you ever find yourself spiralling into a vortex of worry, doubt and fear? When presented with new situations, are you sceptical, distrustful or afraid? Do you often see the negative side over the positive or jump on the bad news before even considering the good? I’ve been there.

Following the PERMA principles, positive emotions such as gratitude, kindness and hope are the cornerstone to finding joy and happiness in an everyday setting, leading to genuine, sustained happiness.



Tori Nauer

Women’s empowerment coach, world nomad and mumma-to-be ❤Sharing my alternative pregnancy journey to inspire change and growth!