The 5 Steps to Hack Fight by Smart Mindset

The Hungry Brain
Published in
3 min readNov 6, 2021

Are you in the victim mindset, millionaire mindset, entrepreneurial mindset, positive mind, or growth mindset?

If you are one of those mindsets, you cannot skip this article. The article is based on the true story of a business meeting.

It is easier to ruin your business talk by forming a conflict, moreover, it is hard to make it better after being controversial emotionally.

Methew: There was no progress on the project after these 2 months, Jane.

Jane: My team adjusted the packing specification to fit this new transportation. Can I say no progress? No, don’t think so.

The conversation among two managers who are different departments and business units. They argued that the project has no progress and may be delayed because Jane did nothing properly, therefore, Methew cannot proceed with it.

If you were there how would you do?

Takes your time to think about it


What happens next?

Jane: Let me clarify our objective again. The main objective of this project is to find alternative transportation for our clients. The based case should be the same cost as exiting cost, however, the best case could help our client save their cost also.

Mathew: I think we are not on the same page. My team’s objective is to lean process and save cost as a priority. If you want just the options you can book new freight with full loading.

Jane: We cannot effort all space and total cost and we aim to utilize the network of the company. That is why we are together now.

‘How might we utilize the space and has a saving also?’ Jane said

With this question, the tension was down. Members try to help share a solution instead of questioning amount members’ capability and problems.

At the end of the meeting, the project still going on and each department can clarify their requirements and condition precisely and visually. It is easier to communicate much more than before just chatting and no big picture.

It is a happy ending to the meeting.

What do you think to make conflict connect?

The 5 Steps to Hack Fight by Smart Mindset

1. Clear goal — why we start this project

2. Balance interests — win-win direction

3. Active listening — understand what the speaker wants
(they might not say it out loud)

4. Visualize the meeting e.g. whiteboard, and live memo, etc.

5. Assign person-in-charge and set due date to follow up

This conversation is based on a real story about logistics management for overseas clients.

To conclude Jane revisit about project’s aim before the discussion. She knows that Mathew cares about saving only but her clients want options. She balanced well to manage the common interest by using the selected transportation by vessel and sharing costs with the Mathew team and her client can get the alternative as requested. Before the conclusion of the meeting she visualized the cost structure, therefore, members can see what pieces are missing to perfect this big picture to be true. They assign their team to find information more and follow the action items with a person who has accountability on those issues.

Therefore, the project is still lively, and vivid following the 5 steps can turn conflict into connecting each jigsaw.

