The 6 Habits That 99% Of High Performers Practice Daily

“No goals, no growth. No clarity, no change.”

Jari Roomer


Photo by Bradley Dunn on Unsplash

Having worked with Olympic athletes, Fortune 500 CEOs, and some of the most famous entertainers, Brendon Burchard is considered one of the best high-performance coaches in the world.

According to Burchard, the ‘secret’ of high performers is that they practice specific habits that most people don’t.

As he writes in his book High Performance Habits:

“The key to high performance is not talent or luck but rather the development and consistent demonstration of a set of specific habits.”

In this article, we’ll go over the six high-performance habits that Brendon Burchard shares in his book.

Habit #1: Seek Clarity

Many people think they lack motivation, but what they really lack is clarity.

The more clearly you define your goals, values, and priorities, the more driven and productive you’ll be.

As Brendon Burchard says:

“If you don’t decide what you want in life, you can’t change your course to get it. No



Jari Roomer

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