The 6 Things Every 20 Year Old Should Focus on

Here, I’ve put together some key points to help you thrive in your journey

Vedprakash Jangid
7 min readAug 15, 2021


Photo by Adam Birkett on Unsplash

I’m no expert or much experienced to give big and heavy advice. But as I have crossed 20, I know a thing or two which every 20 years old should focus on besides other things.

20 is a phase when you have a lot of time to do stuff. Your energy level is higher. You are too flexible to learn anything new and to adopt new habits both good and bad. And it is also the phase when it is very easy to get lost. Lost in things that seem right at that time but may have bad consequences later.

It becomes very important to make the best use of the valuable things when you get them in abundance. And I’m talking about time and energy. In your early 20s, you have tremendous energy, potential, and time. So, make sure to use them wisely. Otherwise, you will regret it, and regret, I believe, is the worst feeling of all.

I’m sharing with you some key points here which you should definitely look upon.

Develop a reading habit

In my whole life, I have known no wise people (over a broad subject matter area) who didn’t read all the time — none, zero. You’d be amazed at how much Warren reads–and at how much I read. My children laugh at me. They think I’m a book with a couple of legs sticking out. -Charlie Munger

Most of you must be thinking about books right now because of the word “reading”. But reading is not only about books. It includes blog posts, articles, newsletters, etc. All of them are filled with knowledge and experiences of some great personalities, people who want to share their wisdom.

Reading is the most affordable way of gaining knowledge. The content you get from books, blogs, articles is far more valuable than the price you pay for them.

I’m not saying it is the only best way to expand your intellect. Of course, there is YouTube, online courses, websites, etc. they are also great. But reading improves your ability to focus. It helps in developing a higher level of concentration. Reading, for example, books, forces you to think beyond your own beliefs. It broadens your perspective and imagination.

A book can take you 100 or 1000 years back and give you the valuable lessons people learned throughout their lifetime.

As the quote says…

A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies, said Jojen. The man who never reads lives only one. -George R.R. Martin

Connect with passionate people

What I mean here is, grow your network and get in touch with people who know stuff, who you can learn from, who believe in talking less and doing more, who are inspiring, obsessive, enthusiastic, have a strong desire to do great things. Introduce yourself to them and get to know them also.

When you meet different people, interact with them, make relationships, you find out there is a lot left to learn, to experience, and to try. People can teach you so many things. They help you with your stuff and you help them with theirs. And that’s how good relations are made.

Connecting with people who are doing really great in the areas you wish to work in the future can guide you and support you very well. They can save you from making mistakes they made when they started.

When you put yourself out there and talk to people you don’t know, this definitely raises your self-confidence and also develops communication skills. And it is one of those skills everyone should have.

Sometimes it becomes very difficult to get out of your own head and think/look the other way around. And here your network plays an important role. By talking to others in your network of great people, listening to their opinions gives you a different perspective which is very important because perhaps you are missing what they can see in any given situation.

Your network brings new opportunities. When people see that you have potential they help you grow and succeed.

Explore and experience

This world is filled with a lot of great things. In order to find them, you have to eagerly look for them and give them a try to know their worth. You never know what you find today as a new thing becomes your career tomorrow. There are so many new career paths today besides the old traditional ones. For example, no one assumed that someone can make a career in gaming but you can see what is happening in today’s world. This sector is growing insanely. This is just one of the many examples.

And this is where exploring becomes very important. Especially today when new opportunities take birth every single day.

It’s a very simple idea, you will not know what exists or is possible until you explore and you will not know its worth and how you are in it until you give it a try and experience it yourself. As I said before what you are trying can be your career. So, Explore.

One should know, what are the options available for him/her and that is possible when he/she participate in different activities. I get surprised when I find out how many interesting things there are that I didn’t know about. Try not to leave any stone unturned.

Until it is something good and doesn’t harm anybody in any sense go do it even if you have to leave your comfort zone. And that’s the best part, comfort zone is what holds you from growing.

Gain Financial Literacy

Financial literacy is the ability to understand and effectively use various financial skills, including personal financial management, budgeting, and investing. Financial literacy is the foundation of your relationship with money, and it is a lifelong journey of learning. The earlier you start, the better off you will be, because education is the key to success when it comes to money. -Investopedia

This is really important. Many people don’t know how to manage their money properly including me and I’m learning it. It is important because money is important and because I have seen people struggling so much due to the lack of financial literacy.

Although financial literacy is not the priority in the 20s if you learn it earlier it will definitely pay off when the time being. The ability to make better financial decisions and make better investments is something you are going to need in the future for sure.

The knowledge of taxes, budgeting, savings, investing, tracking your finances, etc is essential. Eventually, you are going to deal with them in future. So, it’s better to develop strong foundational knowledge from now.

Financial literacy saves you from financial trouble like owning too much debt. Which is a big problem in many people’s lives.

Money management is a skill that takes time to master. It’s better to start off earlier.

Keep a student attitude

Anytime you stop striving to get better, you’re bound to get worse. -Pat Riley

Keeping the student attitude or particularly learning attitude means, you always seek opportunities to learn new skills, sharpen existing ones, and be better than before. You should always remain open-minded keeping your cup empty. Remember, if you want to learn you have to be open-minded. You have to empty your cup before pouring in more coffee. Otherwise, it will just overflow.

Learning must never be stopped. The “I know it all” mentality will not let you grow in terms of skills, knowledge, etc.

I read about it in a book called Ego Is The Enemy by Ryan Holiday

“It is impossible to learn that which one thinks one already knows,” Epictetus says. You can’t learn if you think you already know. You will not find the answers if you’re too conceited and self-assured to ask the questions. You cannot get better if you’re convinced you are the best.

Learn from your own mistakes and others as well. If you know you are not good at something and you need to work on a particular area then put the ego aside and admit it and strive to be the better version of yourself. Whenever you find something new filter out what’s not for you in it and absorb the rest completely.

Today, it has become a lot easier to access information and learn almost anything you want than it was ever before. All thanks to the INTERNET. Make the best use of this.

Mind your company

You are the average of five people you spend the most time with. -Jim Rohn

This quote is one of those which influenced me the most.

The people you surround yourself with, the people you spent the most time with, other than your family, are your company.

As I said earlier 20 is a phase during which you are flexible to adopt anything new. And in this phase, if you found yourself in a group of people who are not serious about their career, have a negative attitude, always complain unnecessarily, just talk don’t act and never take responsibility for their own life, lack enthusiasm and obsession for their goals, waste their time here and there, don’t talk about growth in terms of knowledge and skill set.

Then you better find a new group. Otherwise, there would be long-term negative consequences on your life. And you would not be able to tell that then and there. Your company will change your life by the time you realize it. Therefore, you should be cautious.

Final thoughts

There are so many things you can do or should do in your 20s. The above are just some of them based on my experience.

One more point to emphasize here, If you really want to do something and it is right and doesn’t harm anybody including you then do it now don’t wait for next week, month or year because know this time will never be just right.

Lastly, all of us have got this one life. Make sure to live it fully that you don’t regret it in the end.

Life is too short to have enemies, all you should have is friends! -Sathish Krishnamurthy

Best of luck.



Vedprakash Jangid

Writer | Learner | Books Enthusiast | Future Engineer