The 7 Habits Of Highly Toxic People

#6 — They cheat on you with your best friend.

Riku Arikiri


Photo by Dark Labs on Unsplash

We all have seen our fair share of toxicity these days. Whether its politicians both foreign and domestic or it’s the people walking among us who call us friend. I have frankly seen all types especially the ones who are adamant in not wearing a face mask because they believe it infringes on their rights.

But these days there is a newer wave of toxicity that’s brewing between people. A newer much resilient wave of toxic people is emerging. Frankly, speaking I have sailed through all of that in my time as a proactive speaker.

Over the years I have befriended all kinds of people. But to understand a toxic person, you need to carefully spend time with them — to learn that they are just ordinary people with toxic habits.

Seldom these same people have these ideas about becoming successful. And they try achieving those things by spreading their toxicity through other people.

Thus to become a better version of myself — I took a chance in understanding all kinds of toxic people. As people are living, breathing walking libraries of information you won’t find anywhere.

They have ideas, perspectives, behaviours and views but most of all the habits that influence them in becoming who they are…



Riku Arikiri

It’s never black or white. Sometimes there’s a bit of spicy red in there as well.