The 7 Habits of Truly Charming People

Simple things you can learn to up your social game



Photo by Alessio Cesario from Pexels

“Charm is more valuable than beauty. You can resist beauty. But you can’t resist charm.” — Audrey Tautou

Here’s the thing about charm: Charming people don’t just make themselves look good. More importantly, they make you feel good about yourself in their presence. This is why we can’t get enough of them.

And the good thing about being charming is that it has little to do with how you look. A good-looking person who is always frowning isn’t going to charm anyone.

It’s more about poise, character, attentiveness, empathy, and respect for others. In a nutshell, charming people are amazing precisely because they don’t try to be charming, they focus on making you look good.

They don’t exploit people’s insecurities

Charming people are good at quickly putting people’s insecurities to rest. And here’s why this is so important.

As studies have now found, people form their first impression of you within the first few seconds they see you. This means that they don’t even need to talk to you to evaluate you.




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