The 7 Universal Laws of the Universe and How to Use Them to Create a Better Life

The first step is knowing that they exist.

Sabah Ismail✨


Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash

Life isn’t just happening. The way life is happening for us is because of us.

That can be a hard pill to swallow for those who believe they always draw the short straw; that the world is against them and that life is just so damn hard.

But it doesn’t have to be that way. Not once you understand that there are laws at play in the universe that are always working with us — we just need to first become fully aware of them, so we know how to work in harmony with them, too.

Let me explain.

In the same way that there are natural laws such as gravity that keep the universe in physical order, there are also 7 Universal Laws or Principles which govern this entire universe, that have been written about and taught for over 5,000 years in many mystical teachings — from those in Ancient Egypt through to Ancient Greece and Ancient India. In this article, I’ll mainly be referring to definitions from The Kybalion which was first published in 1908 and is based on Ancient Hermetic teachings.

What all of these Hermetic teachings convey is that everything that exists in this Universe comes down to energy, frequencies and vibration…



Sabah Ismail✨

A human being fascinated by the human experience. Also a writer, artist & transpersonal healing coach writing on spiritual growth, healing & consciousness.