The “75 Hard” Challenge: Why Many Struggle to Complete It

Sahil Tomar
Published in
4 min readSep 30, 2023
“Don’t Quit- You don’t fail when you lose, you lose when you Quit”

In the world of fitness and personal development, “75 Hard” has become a buzzword that’s gaining rapid popularity. This unique challenge, created by entrepreneur Andy Frisella, has captured the attention of individuals looking to transform their lives. Explore what “75 Hard” is all about, break down every step of the challenge, and understand the reasons behind its surging popularity.

What is “75 Hard”?

“75 Hard” is a mental toughness and physical fitness challenge designed to push individuals beyond their comfort zones. It’s not just a fitness programme; it’s a transformative journey that aims to instil discipline, mental fortitude, and a never-give-up attitude.

The Basics of “75 Hard”

Here’s what the challenge entails:

  1. Two Daily Workouts: Participants must engage in two separate 45-minute workouts each day. One workout must be outdoors, regardless of the weather.
  2. Drink a Gallon of Water: You’re required to drink a gallon (128 ounces) of water every day.
  3. Read 10 Pages: A daily reading habit is cultivated by reading at least 10 pages of a non-fiction book.
  4. Follow a Diet: Stick to a diet of your choice, but no cheat meals or alcohol are allowed.
  5. Take a Progress Photo: Capture a daily progress photo to track your physical transformation.
  6. No Cheat Days: The challenge does not permit cheat days or any deviations from the daily tasks.
  7. Self-improvement: Engage in personal development activities like journaling or meditation for at least 10 minutes daily.
  8. No Substitutions: There are no substitutes or exceptions allowed. If you miss any of the daily tasks, you must start over from day one.

Every step of “75 Hard”

Let’s break down each step of the “75 Hard” challenge to understand its significance:

  1. Two daily workouts

The physical aspect of “75 Hard” is demanding. It pushes participants to prioritise their health and fitness by incorporating daily exercise into their routine. Outdoor workouts, in particular, challenge individuals to face the elements and build mental toughness.

2. Drink a gallon of water.

Hydration is fundamental to overall well-being. Drinking a gallon of water not only keeps the body properly hydrated but also encourages individuals to be mindful of their water intake.

3. Read 10 pages.

Daily reading promotes mental growth and learning. By committing to reading at least 10 pages, participants develop a consistent reading habit that can lead to personal development.

4. Follow a diet

Diet discipline is a significant part of “75 Hard.” Participants must make conscious food choices and abstain from indulgences. This step emphasises the importance of nutrition in achieving fitness goals.

5. Take a Progress Photo

Documenting physical progress through daily photos serves as a visual record of the journey. It’s a powerful motivator, showcasing how consistent effort can lead to transformation.

6. No cheat days

The absence of cheat days instils a high level of commitment and discipline. It teaches individuals to stay on course even when faced with temptations or setbacks.

7. Self-Improvement

The inclusion of personal development activities underscores the holistic nature of the challenge. It’s not just about physical fitness but also mental resilience and growth.

8.No Substitutions

The rule of no substitutions ensures that participants fully commit to the challenge. It prevents shortcuts and reinforces the idea that every aspect of “75 Hard” is vital for success.

The reasons why people are failing “75 Hard”?

Despite its popularity, “75 Hard” is not without its challenges, and many people struggle to complete it. Here are some common reasons why:

  1. Rigorous Demands: The challenge’s daily requirements, including two workouts and strict diet adherence, can be physically and mentally taxing. This intensity can lead to burnout for some participants.
  2. Lack of Flexibility: The absence of cheat days or substitutions can be unforgiving. Life often presents unexpected events or circumstances that can disrupt the daily routine, making it challenging to maintain consistency.
  3. Mental Toughness: Building mental resilience can be more difficult than physical fitness for some individuals. The discipline required to persevere through the entire challenge can be daunting.
  4. Lack of Preparation: Some people start “75 Hard” without adequate preparation or a clear understanding of the commitment involved. This can lead to frustration and early failure.
  5. Social Pressure: Social events, gatherings, and peer pressure to indulge in food or drinks can pose significant challenges for participants trying to adhere to a strict diet.

“75 Hard” is undeniably a rigorous challenge that combines physical fitness with mental toughness and self-improvement. While it has gained popularity for its transformative potential, it is not for everyone. Success in “75 Hard” requires not only physical endurance but also mental resilience and unwavering commitment. For those who complete it, the sense of accomplishment and personal growth can be truly rewarding, but the journey is not without its challenges and obstacles.



Sahil Tomar

Just a boy in his 20s trying to figure life out. Writing about ways of life. Come along for the ride ✨.