The 8th Marvel of the World Unveiled

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3 min readDec 4, 2023

The world is filled with breathtaking wonders, each with its own unique allure. But among these marvels, a select few stand out as truly extraordinary, earning the coveted title of “Wonder of the World.” Angkor Wat, the awe-inspiring temple complex nestled amidst the Cambodian jungle, proudly holds its place as the 8th Wonder of the World.

Step back in time to the 12th century, when the Khmer Empire was at its peak. Under the reign of King Suryavarman II, a grand vision took shape — the construction of a temple complex that would surpass all others, a testament to the empire’s power and devotion to the Hindu god Vishnu.

A Temple of Unparalleled Grandeur

Angkor Wat is not merely a temple; it’s a sprawling metropolis of stone, covering an area of over 400 square kilometers. Its towering central tower, reaching a height of 67 meters, dominates the landscape, symbolizing Mount Meru, the mythical center of the universe in Hindu cosmology.

Intricate bas-reliefs adorn the walls, narrating tales from Hindu epics and depicting scenes of everyday life in the Khmer Empire. These carvings offer a glimpse into the beliefs, values, and artistry of a civilization long gone.

A Journey Through the Ancient City


Exploring Angkor Wat is like embarking on a journey through time. As you wander through the vast temple complex, you’ll encounter a series of interconnected enclosures, each with its own unique architectural features and mesmerizing details.

The Outer Wall, stretching over 15 kilometers, serves as a protective barrier, enclosing the sacred city within. The West Gate, the most intricate of the five entrances, features a three-towered structure adorned with intricate carvings.

The Inner Wall, enclosing the central temple, is a masterpiece of Khmer architecture. The five towers, representing the peaks of Mount Meru, rise majestically above the surrounding structures.

A Spiritual Sanctuary

Angkor Wat was not just a place of worship; it served as a spiritual sanctuary, a place where the Khmer people sought communion with their gods. The temple complex was also the center of the Khmer Empire’s religious and political life.

Even today, Angkor Wat retains its spiritual essence. Visitors from all over the world come to marvel at its beauty and immerse themselves in its sacred atmosphere.

Angkor Wat: A Timeless Legacy

Angkor Wat stands as a testament to the ingenuity and craftsmanship of the Khmer people. It is a symbol of their deep devotion to their religion and their enduring legacy. Today, Angkor Wat is not only a UNESCO World Heritage Site but also a source of national pride for the Cambodian people.

The best time to visit

The best time to visit Angkor Wat is between November and February when the weather is dry and cool. Avoid the rainy season from June to October, as the roads and paths can be muddy and slippery, and the temple can be crowded with tourists.

As you explore Angkor Wat, let your imagination transport you back to a time of grandeur and spiritual enlightenment. Feel the awe that inspired the Khmer people as they constructed this magnificent temple complex. And cherish the memories you create in this extraordinary place, forever etched in your own personal journey of discovery.




Software Engineer, living in Germany. Passionate about technology but also love to write about life, travel and health.