The Addiction No One Talks About

Published in
3 min readSep 17, 2023
Photo by Ihor Malytskyi on Unsplash

In a world filled with conversations about various forms of addiction, there’s one that often remains in the shadows, hidden behind closed doors and veiled in shame.

It’s the addiction that no one talks about, yet it affects millions of lives every day. It’s not tied to a specific substance or behavior, but rather to a ubiquitous and seemingly innocuous aspect of our modern lives. It’s the addiction to our digital screens.

We’re All Hooked

You might be thinking, “I’m not addicted to my screens; I just enjoy using them.” Well, you’re not alone. The vast majority of us use smartphones, tablets, and computers regularly for work, entertainment, and staying connected with loved ones. But what you might not realize is just how deeply these screens have woven themselves into the fabric of our daily existence.

The Surprising Facts

Let’s dive into some surprising facts about this hidden addiction:

  1. Screen Time Skyrocketing: On average, people in many developed countries spend over four hours per day on their smartphones alone. That’s over 1,500 hours a year, equivalent to almost two full months!

2. Phantom Vibrations: Have you ever felt your phone vibrate in your pocket, only to check and find no new notifications? This phenomenon, known as “phantom vibration syndrome,” is a sign of how our brains are constantly on edge, anticipating digital stimuli.

3. The Social Media Rabbit Hole: Social media platforms are designed to keep you engaged, and they do so remarkably well. Many of us spend hours scrolling through endless feeds, which can lead to feelings of loneliness, envy, and anxiety.

4. FOMO is Real: Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) is a genuine psychological phenomenon. The constant barrage of online events, updates, and experiences can make us feel like we’re missing out on life if we’re not glued to our screens.

The Consequences

So, why should we care about this hidden addiction? Well, there are real consequences to our screen time:

Mental Health

Excessive screen time is linked to increased rates of anxiety, depression, and loneliness. The curated highlight reels we see on social media can leave us feeling inadequate and disconnected.

Physical Health

Prolonged screen use can lead to physical health issues, including eyestrain, poor posture, and even sleep disturbances.


Spending too much time on screens can strain relationships with loved ones. It’s easy to lose touch with the real world when you’re engrossed in the virtual one.

Breaking the Cycle

Breaking free from the addiction to screens is no small feat, but it’s essential for our well-being. Here are some practical steps to help you regain control:

Set Screen Time Limits

Use built-in features on your devices to set daily limits for certain apps or activities.

Practice Digital Detox

Dedicate specific periods each day or week to be screen-free. Use this time to connect with nature, read a book, or engage in hobbies.

Mindful Consumption

When you do use screens, do so mindfully. Pay attention to how certain activities make you feel, and be conscious of your screen time choices.

Connect Offline

Make an effort to strengthen your in-person relationships. Spend quality time with loved ones without the distraction of screens.

In conclusion, the addiction to screens is real, and it’s affecting our lives in ways we might not fully grasp.

It’s time to shine a light on this hidden addiction, acknowledge its impact, and take steps to regain control of our digital lives. By doing so, we can lead happier, healthier, and more connected lives in the real world, not just the digital one.




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