The Age Of Innocence

It feels like the ‘kids’ are growing up so fast. Is it me?

Julian Cosky


Photo by Jorge Ibanez on Unsplash

Once more, on a Sunday morning, I find myself sitting at the kitchen table, a gorgeous view of the garden, sparkling in the sun.

Today is special, as my stepdaughter turns 17, and she is busy opening her cards and presents.

There’s such excitement as the presents are revealed. This is quite amusing as she pretty much chose everything herself!

This means that:

a) Everything is perfect and there are no complaints!

b) There are no surprises; which I think is a shame.

Maybe it’s just me, but the ‘kids’ today like to plan to the nth degree. There doesn’t appear to be much spontaneity.

Party Time

Take last weekend, which is when she had her party (joint with a friend). The level of detail and planning was insane.

Nothing was left to chance; and rather than leave it to the parents, the two of them spent hours:

  • planning the music (playlist on Spotify)
  • arranging a marquee in which to hold the party (supplied by a friend),
  • sorting out the decoration (lots of balloons and streamers) and



Julian Cosky

Husband. Father. Business Analyst. I’m also a Cub Scout Leader. Writing on Medium allows me to be me!