The Allure of Suffering

Samantha D
Published in
3 min readApr 4, 2024

A Challenge

Photo by Camila Quintero Franco on Unsplash

Perhaps I’ve gone mad…
My fascination with suffering continues to increase with time. I feel it just as you do. However, one day I made the decision to alter how I dealt with the pain from suffering. There had to be a more constructive approach, one that no longer crippled me.

I remember on one particular day as I sat in the passenger seat while waiting at the drive-thru at some fast food establishment, I suddenly felt compelled to observe the others in their cars also waiting to place their orders. I observed their expressions; everyone seemed unhappy. Could waiting for food really be that dreadful? There certainly are worse situations to be in. Like any circumstance… everything can be better, but it can also be worse. So what’s it going to be?

In any case, it struck me that I was surrounded by people who appeared far from content with their current situation. Perhaps they’re fatigued, maybe they had a rough day at work, maybe they were burdened with worries and stress, or maybe they had an argument with their spouse, or it could have simply been that their blood sugar levels were running low…so many reasons to wear grim faces. Actually, there are numerous and justifiable reasons to be angry, depressed, stressed, and/or anxious. Living a human life can certainly mess with our psychology to the point of leading straight into premature death.

There is so much pain,” I thought, as I observed the people around me. “We can’t eliminate it... It’s all over the place.

This is when I finally understood the word: “meaning”. How could I have been oblivious to its significance before? I found it quite bizarre considering I’ve used the term numerous times before. However, it wasn’t until that day that I truly grasped the importance of “meaning”.

Considering the widespread presence of pain and suffering, “meaning” serves as our innate mechanism to transform it into something that fosters growth rather than decay. It’s important to clarify that by “meaning,” I’m not suggesting it’s merely the subjective interpretation you attach to your suffering. What I refer to as “meaning” is the profound significance that suffering inherently possesses yet often gets overlooked.

There’s something about pain and suffering that holds remarkable potential for personal evolution; one that can transcend the negative attitude we usually perceive it with. Paradoxically, our suffering can unlock the most unconditional form of love towards ourselves and thus, others. Whether we agree to this or not; this remains unchanged.

If any of this resonates with you, I invite you to read Reflections (found here) — my first published book — which surrounds the topic of pain and suffering, incorporating various viewpoints such as psychology, spirituality, religion, and philosophy. The goal of the book is to foster a deeper understanding as well as an appreciation for suffering, rather than instilling fear or aversion towards it.

Happy reading,

Samantha Drobac

Book trailer: Reflections by SD — YouTube



Samantha D

Ad astra per aspera - Live to learn - Author of the book: Reflections [now available on Amazon]