The Archangels Talk about ET’s

Jodie Helm
Published in
6 min readFeb 17, 2022


Photo by Marek Piwnicki on Unsplash

Many of my readers have asked me to ask the Archangels about extraterrestrials, or aliens from outer space. I’ve always believed, with all the other planets out there, there had to be others that had inhabitants. It only makes sense. Movies nearly always portray visitors from other planets as scary, invasive, and out to take over the planet and us.

I can see why this is a common theme, because if ET’s have the technology to visit Earth, they’re obviously more technologically advanced than we are, and people on Earth greet anything new or different with fear, assuming the worst will happen. What I learned from the Archangels is that technology isn’t the only thing in which ET’s are more advanced.

Question: Can you please tell us about whether or not there have been visitors from outer space and, if so, what they are like and why they are here? Lastly, do they pose a danger?


There is absolutely life on other planets. There are many worlds in this universe with life of many kinds. Some inhabitants are very similar to Earth’s, and others are vastly different. The same can be said for their planets.

There are many ET’s who’ve visited Earth and continue to do so. They are among you now as we speak and have come to Earth since its creation and ever since. Many governments on Earth are



Jodie Helm

4X Top Writer , Archangel channel, Reiki Master, Bridge. I share the messages I receive from my guides here. My only religion is Love.