The Art of Asking Questions to Boost Your Self-esteem

Мaria Kriskovich
Published in
1 min readApr 29, 2023
Photo by Laura Ockel on Unsplash

I’m such a moody person. Often my mind tricks me, making me feel low. But how would I know when it’s a trick and when it’s true?

Asking questions helps me to get back on the right track. This art is both annoying and effective.

Challenging myself

“I’m never going to get this job.”
“Why do you think so?”
“It seems difficult, and the pay isn’t worth the work.”
“So you’re saying that you can land this job. It doesn’t seem alluring enough.”

It instantly makes me feel better about myself.

This is a short story about how I first questioned my thoughts:

Questions are annoying when you don’t have an immediate answer. It’s fine. This is what I tell myself when it happens:

“I just need to stop and think. Nothing is wrong with me if I don’t know the answer right away.”

My coworkers and friends have greatly benefited from the technique in terms of being able to comprehend their priorities. So I encourage you to give it a shot.



Мaria Kriskovich

Writer, traveler, B2B marketer and peaceful warrior. Read between the lines.