Money Raining — Photo by diana.grytsku on Freepik

The Art of Deception: Money Laundering Demystified

Uncovering the Tactics behind White-washing Black Money

Lakshay Dhingra
Published in
6 min readJul 9, 2023


Have you ever wondered how criminals manage to transform their illicit fortunes into seemingly legitimate wealth? How do they use the money obtained from illegal activities like extortion, kidnappings, robberies, land grabs, and smuggling in plain sight without worrying about law enforcement agencies? The answer lies in the shadowy world of money laundering — the process of converting illegal black money to legitimate white money.

In this article, I will try to unravel the mechanics behind money laundering and explore its fascinating yet dangerous implications. So, fasten your seatbelts as we embark on a journey into the underworld, where fortunes are forged and the line between legality and criminality blurs.

What is Black Money?

You must have heard about black money somewhere, but some of you might be wondering, “What exactly is black money?” Black money is basically money or wealth that is hidden and not reported to the authorities. For example, I own a grocery store, and my monthly net income is $10,000. Now, to pay less taxes, by some manipulation, I reported to the government authorities that I earned only $9000. So, this undisclosed $1000 is illegitimate according to the government and hence is called black money.

But even in this case, the rest of $9000, which is properly disclosed and taxed upon, will be called white money. In this example, black money is generated by legit income that is hidden to avoid taxes, but this may not always be the case. Black money can also be generated by illegal activities like drug trafficking or kidnapping that can’t be reported to the authorities for obvious reasons.

The 3-Step Process of Laundering Money

Money laundering, at its core, is a sophisticated process used to disguise the true origins of illegally obtained funds by presenting them as if they were obtained legitimately. These funds may take the form of business profits, salaries, donations, gifts, rental income, or gains from wise investments, creating the illusion of legitimate earnings.

From a broad perspective, money laundering can be seen as a 3-step process involving three key stages: Placement, Layering, and Integration. Let’s explore each stage in detail with the help of a case study of an Italian Mafia syndicate that operates out of the United States and wants to legitimize their illicit funds.

Italian Mafia — Photo by Alden Maben on Unsplash

Stage-1: Placement

Placement involves introducing illicit funds into the legitimate financial system. Criminals accomplish this by depositing cash into banks, purchasing assets, producing fake receipts, or engaging in other transactions that legitimize the illegal money. In our example, the Mafia employs several methods to bring their huge corpus of illicit funds into the system.

The first method is called “smurfing,” which involves breaking down large sums of cash into smaller, less conspicuous amounts. Members of the syndicate, acting as “smurfs,” deposit these smaller amounts into various banks across different regions. By doing so, they aim to avoid raising suspicion and ensure the funds enter the financial system undetected.

Breaking Down Money — Photo by Arek Socha on Pixabay

Another tactic that the Mafia employs is using cash-intensive front businesses to generate fake cash receipts. The Mafia runs an Italian food chain called “The Carleone’s”, a bar named “Il Drago” and a casino named “The Venitian”, all of which are seemingly legitimate businesses. They intermingle fake receipts for imaginary sales with the actual sale receipts to bring illicit money into the system.

To understand this more clearly, let’s say one restaurant has a total legitimate sale of $80,000 per month. Now the mafia uses their own $120,000 of black money to create fake receipts of purchases of various dishes they sell, like pizza, spaghetti, lasagne, etc., with this money. So, on the outside, the total sales of the restaurant seem to be $200,000 per month, which is all white money.

Stage-2: Layering

Layering, the second stage of money laundering, involves creating intricate layers of transactions and financial maneuvers to obscure the audit trail and make it difficult for authorities to trace the illicit funds back to their criminal origin. In our case study, the Mafia employs various methods during this stage to further distance the tainted money from its illegal origins.

One method is to employ a series of domestic and international transactions among several different organizations to complicate the money trail. International transactions make it difficult for the authorities to track the complex flow of money due to the different jurisdictions of different nations. Let’s understand how it is done with the help of an example.

Illustration of the layering process — Image Designed by Lakshay Dhingra

The syndicate first creates a number of shell companies in the USA as well as in some foreign country, say Columbia. Now, they use company A in the USA, which receives money from the smurfs, to transfer money to company B in Columbia. They may also use smuggling or other informal channels to transfer money to a foreign country under the radar. Then, this money is further sent to another company C in Columbia, and all these transactions, on the surface, seem like regular business transactions between these companies.

Now, if the Mafia requires white money for personal use or to acquire new businesses, this company C buys the shares of some seemingly legit business owned by the Mafia, like “The Venetian” casino, at very high prices, and the Mafia receives white money for selling those shares. Now, this is an oversimplified example of the layering process, but it may involve an even greater number of such companies that span across multiple countries.

In today’s digital era, the Mafia may also exploit cryptocurrencies for layering purposes. By converting the illicit funds into digital currencies like Bitcoin, they can transfer the funds through blockchain networks, which provide a certain level of anonymity and can make it difficult to trace the transactions. They may then convert the cryptocurrencies back into traditional currencies through unregulated exchanges or mixers, further complicating the audit trail.

Cryptocurrencies — Photo by André François McKenzie on Unsplash

Stage-3: Integration

Finally, the third stage, integration, involves merging the laundered funds back into the legitimate economy. The cartel would invest their laundered funds in legitimate businesses, including construction companies and real estate ventures. By doing so, they not only inject their illegal gains into the legal economy and reap its rewards, but also gain influence and power within the community, making it harder for law enforcement to dismantle their operations.

The Mafia may also keep their wealth in foreign countries in offshore bank accounts (like the Swiss Bank) or in the form of investments, especially in those with lenient financial regulations.

Consequences and Global Efforts

Money laundering, though it seems quite fascinating, poses severe consequences for society. It fuels corruption, undermines the integrity of financial systems, supports terror financing, and perpetuates organized crime. Recognizing its grave implications, governments and international organizations have implemented stringent anti-money laundering measures.

Photo by Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash

Financial institutions are now required to implement robust Know Your Customer (KYC) procedures to identify and verify the source of funds. Regulatory bodies collaborate to set global standards, such as those established by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), and encourage international cooperation to combat money laundering.

Final Thoughts

The purpose of writing this article is not to promote money laundering but to spread awareness and knowledge about it. If you liked this article, consider giving it a clap. Feel free to share your thoughts or opinions in the comment section. Also, if you would like to read such exciting and informative articles from me, consider following me on Medium. Thanks for reading.



Lakshay Dhingra

A freelance writer with a keen interest in a diverse range of topics, primarily Economics, Geopolitics, Finance, Business, Science, AI, and Future Technology.