The Art of Discipline

Pratik Asija
Published in
3 min readFeb 28, 2023

Discipline is an essential part of success. Whether you’re trying to achieve a personal goal, build a successful career, or improve your relationships, discipline is what separates those who succeed from those who fall short. However, mastering discipline is no easy feat. It takes hard work, determination, and a willingness to make difficult choices.

Photo by George Pagan III on Unsplash

In this article, I will share my personal account of how I disciplined myself and achieved my goals.

I used to struggle with discipline. I would set goals for myself, make plans, and then fail to follow through. I realized that my lack of discipline was holding me back from achieving my dreams. That’s when I decided to take action. I also wrote this poem highlighting the importance of Discipline.

Discipline, the only path to greatness,

The bridge that spans the gap to success.

There is no shortcut, no magic pill,

Discipline is the only way to fulfill.

Without discipline, we wander aimlessly,

Lost in a maze of distractions endlessly.

But with discipline, we rise above the fray,

And pave the way to a brighter day.

It takes grit, determination, and sacrifice,

To follow the path of discipline without compromise.

But the rewards are plenty, the benefits immense,

A life of purpose, fulfillment, and excellence.

So let us embrace discipline with open arms,

And let it guide us through life’s storms.

For there is no other way to achieve our goals,

Than to harness the power of discipline, mind, body, and soul.

The first step towards discipline is setting clear and specific goals. I made a list of all the things I wanted to achieve and then broke them down into smaller, achievable goals. By setting specific goals, I was able to create a roadmap for myself, which helped me stay on track.

Once I had my goals in place, I created a schedule that would help me achieve them. I scheduled my days, weeks, and months so that I knew exactly what I needed to do each day to stay on track. I also made sure to prioritize my goals, so that I was always working on the most important things first.

One of the biggest obstacles to discipline is distractions. I realized that I was spending too much time on social media, watching TV, and doing other things that were not helping me achieve my goals. So, I made a conscious effort to eliminate distractions by setting aside specific times for social media and TV and limiting the time I spent on these activities.

Another important aspect of discipline is accountability. I found that it helped me to stay accountable by telling someone else about my goals and progress. I also joined a support group of like-minded individuals who were also working towards their goals. This helped me stay motivated and focused.

Finally, I learned to celebrate small wins. Every time I achieved one of my smaller goals, I celebrated it. This helped me stay motivated and positive, even when I faced setbacks.

In conclusion, disciplining oneself is not an easy task, but it is achievable. By setting clear goals, creating a schedule, eliminating distractions, staying accountable, and celebrating small wins, I was able to discipline myself and make progress towards my goals. It takes time and effort, but the rewards are worth it. If you’re struggling with discipline, take heart. With hard work and dedication, you can achieve your dreams and live the life you’ve always wanted.



Pratik Asija

Life is more beautiful than you will ever realize. Embrace the gift and let it work out, it all works out in the end. Live Long and Prosper.