The Art of Failure

How to fail successfully

Derek Oxley


Do you ever find yourself shrinking away from a failure, immediately abandoning the area, as though you’re fleeing a crime scene? Why do we do that?

Running away only makes us appear suspect, avoid the inclination to run, instead stay on the scene as an investigative reporter or a detective, like Columbo in trench coat, chomping on a cigar deep in thought searching for clues.

The clues will set you free.

In 2019 I embarked on cross country tour in search of 35 Unicorns, I should explain, Unicorns are ordinary people who do EXTRAordinary things within their communities. The plan was to visit 35 States, run a 5k during the week and half marathon on the weekend. It would be a mini-documentary while driving a Mini Cooper across the country interviewing Unicorns for the BTW Podcast.

After two blown engines, being rear-ended by a pick up truck that totaled the third vehicle, the dream would not become a reality. Nevertheless I persisted! That sounds good, but that’s not the reality.

Was I disappointed?

Yes, I was disappointed and viewed The Unicorn Hunting Project as a public failure.

The only person I shared the failed attempt with was my sister, I felt horribly embarrassed. It was as though I let…



Derek Oxley

Host of BTW Podcast:( ) a show that amplifies ordinary people who are doing EXTRAordinary things in their communities