The Art of Fluffy Writing.

Published in
3 min readJun 19, 2024
Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

Writing is inflated in terms of availability. This means anyone can write content and put it on the web. No questions, no queries!!!

This has proved to be a blessing. If it wasn’t, this piece you’re reading will be non-existent. Many people have made a name for themselves via this blessing, and others still are. (including you)

It’s important not to stray from the right path. If veterans lose the path, newbies are doomed. For this reason, I present to you The Art of Fluffy Writing.

To begin with, what is fluff?

Fluff can be described as unnecessary wording that complicates reading. It’s used by writers to meet a threshold of words.

On the writer’s part, it seems nice. You can easily turn 300 words into 1000 words with fluff.

But on the reader’s part, it’s horrible, just like a bear hug. At first, it seems harmless. Then, it suffocates and kills. Fluff makes readers dig through lots of words to get information.

Writing should be effective communication, not deadly assassination.

Moving on, let’s dive into some examples of fluff writers.

Discovery is the first step to recovery. You may be one. If you’re a fluff writer, it doesn’t matter. It’s a call for change.

1. Cryptosapiens.

For these illustrations, “sapiens” means “writer” as opposed to its conventional meaning; “Human-like”. The first type of fluff writer I would like to address is the Cryptosapiens.

This word was coined from the word cryptic, a synonym of ambiguous. Cryptosapiens means “Ambiguous writer”.

This type of fluff writer loves challenges. They set wordy traps for their readers. For every piece of information the reader gets, he must decipher complex words and sentences.

They’re the mad scientists of writing. Using thesaurus on steroids, they buff up their articles with dangerous formulas.

For them, it’s read or die!!!

2. Elongosapiens.

The word Elongosapiens was coined from the words “elongate” and “sapiens”. It means “lengthening writer”.

Unlike the Cryptosapiens, this type of writer has a simple vocabulary. Their method of fluff is adding unnecessary words.

A typical example is this.

Instead of; “writing makes communication easier.”

They’ll write;

“Writing is a means through which the process of communication is made easier.”

Instead of makes, they’ll use is made, will make.

Their vocabulary consists of filler words like “that”, “really”, “basically”, “literally”, “sort of”, “quite” and many more.

Like snakes, they strangle their readers with elongated words.

3. Ataxsapiens.

The word Ataxsapiens is coined from the words “Ataxia” and “sapiens” meaning “aimless writer”.

Unlike the former two, the Ataxsapiens doesn’t make use of ambiguous or elongated sentences. They digress from one path to the other.

Their major tactic is to lead readers astray. They never stick to one topic or idea. They confuse their readers by cluttering the main path to information with other unrelated and useless paths.

They are the ADHD patients of the writing world. (No offence to real ADHD patients. It’s just an illustration)

There may be more types of fluff writers that I don’t know of. But in the considerable time I’ve spent as a reader on Medium, these are the major types of fluff writers.

Are you one in these categories?

It’s no shame. I used to be a Cryptosapiens as well as an Elongosapiens!!! 😅

It only becomes shameful when you refuse to change. The time is now. Don’t sleep on this information.

Now you know, edit your posts in respect of the kind of fluff you write. I can’t assure you your writing will be the best. All I know is you’ll become better and better as you go.

Thanks for reading.


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