The Art Of Keeping A Conversation Going

Most people want to talk to strangers, but many doesn’t know how to do that, I got some tips for you here.

Akshay Yadav
4 min readNov 3, 2022


Photo by LinkedIn Sales Solutions on Unsplash

Modern Techonology have made us introvert. We meet people online, and create a world around them, this has made many lose confidence. Let’s see how we can tackle this problem.

We all have Instagram and Facebook accounts, where we can talk to random people and some may also have amazing chating skills.

But when it comes to talking in real life, most people can’t keep the conversation going as they want to.

How to keep a Conversation Going

First to understand what helps in keeping a conversation, we will have to understand how our brain works while we are talking to someone.

The brain is divided into two parts: the left and right hemispheres.

The left hemisphere also called the left brain is responsible for reading, writing, and cognitive functions. While the right hemisphere or the right brain is the responsible for creativity and free-thinking.

When it comes to talking with someone you never met before, its better to use free-thinking while talking.

“One good conversation can shift the direction of change forever.”

- Linda Lam.

A conversation should not be be bound to any topic, rather a healthy conversation must be free of any topic and free of any restrictions.

Your skills come into play while bridging among different topics.

There will come a time while having a conversation when you won’t be able to keep it going on the same topic, that’s when you should try to bridge it to something different and start a different thread.

The longer you can keep continue this, the better conversationalist you will become.

What kind of conversation you want depends on your goal, if you want to have a conversation with a girl whom you want to date, then you will have to plan accordingly.

To be honest, there’s no such thing as planning when you want to talk to someone.

The way you lead the conversation is what counts. You should know how to keep someone attentive while talking to you.

Try to get an understanding of the frame that you are in while having the conversation, this simple technique will make you a master conversationalist.

What Frame means and how to maintain it

Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

Frame is the image at which someone sees you. There are many types of frames, like an interview, a dominant person, a nice person, etc

You must learn to never be nice always.

Being nice is a weak frame, it shows that you are of no danger, any man who’s not dangerous can’t make a difference.

“A real conversation always contains an invitation. You are inviting another person to reveal herself or himself to you, to tell you who they are or what they want.”

- David Whyte

When people feel your presence and they can’t ignore it, then they will talk to you, and answer your what you are asking, and once you get your first answer, you can lead the conversation from there easily.

Maintain a charming frame, look like someone who’s strong, powerfull but still kind to others.

This is probably the best frame you can manage to attain.

Think like you are a part of a movie and just imagine how you want to make people watching your movie feel, play that character and you are good to go.

Things to Never do When having a Conversation

Never try to interview the person you are talking with. It is the most important thing when it comes to having a conversation.

Nobody is obliged to answer your questions, so try to be kind and be first answering the other, and if still the other person acts rudely then leave him.

“Body language is a very powerful tool. We had body language before we had speech, and apparently, 80% of what you understand in a conversation is read through the body, not the words.”

- Deborah Bull

The first rule of becoming is master conversationalist is to become kind and charming.

You don’t want to look like someone with bad intentions. You must carry danger but in a controlled and unfearful manner.

Your ability to cause harm will give you confidence to approach others, but never hurt others.

Be gentle, be kind and be strong.

People respect those who are bigger than them, and still they are kind.

Never doubt about something someone says, you can reject their opinions in a friendly and funny manner but never be rude first.

Don’t brag about your achievements, its kind of a show off and in the first meeting nobody cares.

Its boring frame, boring someone while talking is the last thing you wanna do when having a conversation.

The last thing you should never do is judging, don’t judge what the other person is doing or eating or playing, whatever it is. It gives the impression of rudeness.

I hope you find this article helpful, if you like it give it clap and also comment your thought.


