The Art Of Romanticizing: A Gateway To Never-Ending Happiness

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3 min readMar 24, 2024
From Unsplash by Vidar

Romanticism in its most basic form serves to glorify or… even over glorify the basic routine:

To shower, and clean. To cook, exercise, read, and write — all facets of our everyday life.

How basic our life would be without it. The dull actions of simply existing versus the glorified actions of truly living. Romanticizing is really, the only way to live a happy life.

Take the basic action of writing:

In a dull world I sit down, open my laptop, and type; once finished — hit submit.

In a romanticized world, the writing begins before I ever take a seat. The ideas flow across my brain, from ear to ear like a stampeding river. My mind is the fisherman who steers clear of the shallow beginnings by throwing his rod to the center — where the sea hits its greatest depth. There he reels in a big tuna, a metaphor for a deep thought, and only then can I sit down to even begin my writing. As I write, the words become a conduit from sea to page. It flows from left to right, up and down — all around. My typing quickens. as I find my story. I begin sweating, maybe making weird faces here and there, and soon from far away any sensible man would say: “he is quite deranged.”

One simple act becomes a never-ending story of its respective rises and falls. I could find myself going on and on describing it, until I end up describing the world itself but I’ll stop there for your sanity…

As you can see, every action exists beyond itself. Writing is no longer writing, cooking is no longer cooking, and living is no longer living. Its dull existence is only present to allow its romanticized counterpart to thrive. And by doing so every action becomes a story of its own. Even simply sipping a glass of water becomes a feat of molecules being transferred from one encasement to another and thereby being led down a nasty end. Though comedic, it’ll change your entire view of sipping water and that’s the goal.

By changing your view of a simple societal construct, whether walking your dog or putting a tie on before work, you begin to enjoy even the most boring days — because each day is filled with adventure.

Romanticizing life means beginning a journey as you awake and completing that journey as you go to sleep. Every day is a new journey, thereby meaning every day is different. If every day is different then you will never experience a boring day again, that is what romanticism means.

To romanticize means to describe. Describe every crevasse of detail until there is nothing left to describe:

What do I expect?

Why am I doing this?

Where will this take me?

What’s happening that I can’t see?

How do I feel, physically and mentally?

Every action taken becomes a candidate for these questions, among others. As you go through this you’ll recognize aspects that you overlooked and become more cognizant of even the most basic assets of life. You’ll grow to respect each one of them — as you should.

With content, you can now follow a routine but never follow the same day. In the end, it's not the things you do that matter it's the person doing it that does.

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I'm Jay. My dream? To become the greatest marketer of my generation - while also indulging on my interests.