Photo by Ali Kazal on Unsplash


The Artist, Vintage Lady & The Pussy Cat.

A Real-Life Autistic Insight & Thought Process.

Published in
7 min readJun 8, 2020


Stuart is my friend. I would say, you are lovely to deal with.

Which is an absolute compliment & credit to how he conducts himself.

He has Autism and Arrested Brain Development or as it is now called (ASD) Autistic Brain Disorder and Sound Sensory Processing Disorder. He is deaf in one ear, so painting helps him to take the edge off his stress, even though he says “I’m not a good painter”, but I look to others from the past and present on youtube and he is an exceptional talent.

This is his short story he wanted me to edit & share;

In the nursing home where I work for a few hours, I let the clients paint what they want and it is a beautiful thing to give someone that ability to paint and enjoy. You are helping me give joy to the residents where I work for free to enjoy their work and we hang them up for all to see.

A sad moment happened just last week which stirred me to get more paint.

A resident died not of COVID-19 but in a letter, she expressed her sincere thanks in all that expressed all that was in her to my personal care, genuine friendship in a handwritten note which…




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