The Authoritarianism In the US Today

In his novel “Nineteen Eighty-Four,” By George Orwell, written in 1949. describes, a “speculative Fictional novel that investigates social and political structure that is contrary to G. Orwell’s ethos. At the time (1949), a cautionary tale of Totalitarianism.”¹

Veritas Civis


Joseph Stalin and Adolf Hitler, Considered the Best examples of Totalitarian Regimes. Image J. Stalin, At/By Wikimedia Commons, Unknown author; Image A. Hitler Wikimedia Commons, By Bundesarchiv, Bild 183-S33882, Attribution — CC BY-SA 3.0 DE.

Totalitarianism is a political system and a form of government that prohibits opposition political parties, disregards and outlaws the political claims of individual and group opposition to the state, and controls the public sphere and the private sphere of society.”²

Although Totalitarianism may very well describe the governments of Hitler and Stalin,² there are lower degrees of “people-control” on the road to Totalitarianism. It can be seen as the extreme of Authoritarianism.³

Authoritarianism is “characterized by the rejection of political plurality, the use of strong central power to preserve the political status quo, and reductions in democracy, separation of powers, and the rule of law.”³

Authoritarianism is what we have seen from all our governments since Dwight Eisenhower left the office of the presidency.

Apparently, all high school students have read 1984, which is taught as a cautionary tale to teenagers. However, through all the years since, teenagers, some now adults, did not see to act on our government that is now in an “authoritarian” mode.

In his “Atlantic” article, “Doublethink Is Stronger Than Orwell Imagined,”⁴ George Packer explains — “I was too young and historically ignorant to understand where 1984 came from and exactly what it was warning against. Neither the book nor its author stuck with me.”⁴

We have seen democracy crumble into a kind of socialism (an early form of communism); our separation of powers crumble by mass voting for total control of both the Congress and the Executive; the Executive threatening SCOTUS with “packing the court;” the weaponizing of factions of Congress (with lies to the public), the press, several Judicial levels, and our budget are obvious today.

These “new” intense in their execution governments have influenced public opinion greatly. the distraction does two things. 1. Distract the public daily with press barrages against every one of the mentioned “culprits;” 2. inculcate factions of the public with new “beliefs.”

One BIG NOTE: They have been greatly successful for the last eight years.

This has introduced a new and quickly spreading Cancer into our society. It has mobilized and radicalized the left. It has also made them myopic, requiring and getting re-enforcement of their beliefs daily through the media.

I never read the referenced novel, but I have seen many references to it throughout Medium. I personally experienced some of its effects when I was ten years old. If you pull up the story below and read after the subtitle “Conclusion,” you will read what I mean.

What People See Today

As I read the Medium story “This is Just Like 1984,”⁵ though, I could not discern if it was a criticism of the ignorance of the people using the name in vain or a rant of them using it superficially for effect, regarding conditions they see as they live today being equal to the novel.

What I see is “Partisanship.” Two camps, entrenched in their thoughts that nobody will change.

Meanwhile, neither side sees that we are tax puppets of governments (plural) that are diverting every dollar we pay in taxes to stay on top of the World’s political food chain — Thus, our debt.

The USA today is a warmongering nation. This intensified after Vietnam, after which they took the draft away because of the people’s resistance to fight in futile wars. We’ve been in twenty more of different degrees of intensity.

Call it by any name. Our Vote does not buy/ensure ANYTHING. Except to give our “government” license to do WHATEVER THEY WANT. Mostly, fight wars.

The one who told us about it with all sincerity was Dwight Eisenhower in his farewell address. No other President has repeated that warning, and those of that ilk have been assassinated.

LBJ, after “his” Gulf of Tonkin scandal and consequent entry with a large Army force into Vietnam, left office with his tail between his legs.

Twenty wars later, we are still fighting wars. With Proxies now.

At the rate we are going, China will own us in 20 years because our “Debt” grows, and nobody in government has the guts to tell the warmongers (who pay for their elections) to stop.

Everybody I read is counting the blue or red ants crawling one way or the other and throwing word rocks at each other.

All we need to do is lift our eyes and look at the horizon; we can see how the dawn of a new era for humanity is dawning without us.

That is what is happening whether you read the novel or not.

It’s probably not in the mentioned novel; however, my point is we are looking “down and in,” pointing fingers at each other when, or at a time when we need to get together and be looking “up and out.” Demand change from all the governments to stop warmongering.


  1. Nineteen Eighty-Four, Wikimedia.
  2. Totalitarianism, Wikipedia.
  3. Authoritarianism, Wikipedia.
  4. The Atlantic, July 2019 Issue, “Doublethink Is Stronger Than Orwell Imagined,” By George Packer
  5. Medium Story, “This is Just Like 1984!” By Joan Westenberg

I Love The Declaration of Independence, And The…

Hillsdale College Bumper Sticker, Used with permission.



Veritas Civis

Independent Thinker; Learned by Reading; Work to Improve; Love Family; Belief: It’s the truth that makes us one, It’s the center of our sun (“Everybody Cries”).