The Beauty in Vulnerability

What you’d find behind the fragile wall of your vulnerabilities.

Madu Madoc


Photo by Fernando Brasil on Unsplash

“If we’re wrapping ourselves up to conceal any vulnerability, whatever happens to us has to go through all those extra layers. Sometimes love doesn’t even reach where we truly live.” — Alexandra Katehakis

Why have you wasted so much time trying to hide the real you? Instead of being authentic, you learn to mold yourself into different shapes that would allow you to fit in so as not to be seen as imperfect. You wear a cover to appear like those you wish to be like.

  • Are you supposed to be impeccable at all times?
  • Why is it so difficult to see each other as imperfect in a world that’s full of imperfections?
  • What do we gain from unnecessarily judging each other all the time?

Our imperfections can be likened to a rough pathway that seems outwardly unappealing, but inwardly rich in love, compassion, and kindness. It’s the door you’d want to tap on, but in it lies the love you seek. The compassion you need, and the connection you yearn for.

It’s the path you have to find yourself severally to bring the best in you to the surface.

But by doing everything you can to cover your imperfections instead of embracing them, you…

