The Beauty of Starting from Square One Again

Dedicated to those you have failed.

Veena Vijayakumar
2 min readApr 19, 2024


‘Fail your way to success’ is written.
Photo by Brett Jordan from Pexels

We hear a lot about success — success stories, success mantras, books on how to be successful. It’s like the whole world is revolving around the word ‘SUCCESS’. But only less people talk about the other side -FAILURE. It’s intimidating and embarrassing and most of us zip our mouths when asked about it.


It’s not that people are scared of failing; they are just concern with how the world will see them. If no one was bothered with what others’ thought about them, then we will have more people who have failed and tried again and then achieve their goal. Failure is considered to be a negative experience only because it’s feels like the end, but what it really represents is that it’s going to take a bit more time to reach our goals. It’s like a bus we missed; we just need to wait for the next one.


Failure can be heart-breaking and depressing and getting out of it might be hard. It’s like a big dark hole and we are just in it and we might formulate different reasons for it: ‘Oh, I am not good enough that’s why it happened’ or ‘I am dumb’. These self-deprecating thoughts can only make matters worse. The important thing is to bounce back from this adversity.

Starting again from square one can open up a new perspective and help us to unlearn a few things in life. Early failures in life can teach us a lot which success can’t teach us. It’s hard to process failure because only few people talk about it and majority of us only share the best version of ourselves. It’s time to destigmatize failure and learn from it.


The way we approach failure should be changed. For that, we need to see failure in a different sense, not in the typical ‘I am a loser’ sense, but more of rectifying your mistakes which can help you pick up the pieces faster which is better than drowning in self-pity and doubt. We can view failure like you have put yourself out there which is scary and you got knocked off brutally. But it doesn’t mean it’s the end of the world. For now, you just need to get up.

