The Beauty Of Struggle

Out of difficulties grow miracles

3 min readJul 9, 2024


Photo by Darran Shen on Unsplash

We are living in the 21st century, where everyone wants everything instantly without any hard work. They want instant results on what they are working on, and if they don't see any results, they quit very soon. They don't want to struggle; they want to skip that part.

But why? Why doesn't today's generation want to struggle? Because they don't know the beauty of struggle. Yes, there is beauty in struggle.

Struggle builds you, prepares you for the future. It builds your character—the type of character who can face the world without any hesitation, who carries an unshakable confidence. This type of confidence only comes after a very hard struggle, and it is found only in those who have worked on themselves alone, without any spotlight.

Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength." - Arnold Schwarzenegger

Struggle gives you inner strength. It's not about muscles; it's about strength in your mind—how you react to failures, how you bounce back from them. This all shows your inner strength, which only comes from struggling.

Your knowledge and skills only make you successful, but it takes character to stay there, and this character can only be built through real struggle, because it gives you experiences that you'll need to survive in bad times. It teaches you how to solve problems by yourself.

It makes you independent; it opens your brain, which changes your thought process, so don't skip it. Enjoy the beauty of it.

Struggle is a big journey to achieve your dreams; don't try to take any shortcuts. Let's suppose you find success without any struggle. Is it really valuable for you? Do you feel proud of yourself for this success? Does your inner soul clap for you? No.

So why take shortcuts? Work hard. Listen carefully: there are no shortcuts to real success. It takes time, effort, dedication, and focus, etc. And you know what? They will not only make you successful but also teach you how to stay successful. There is a big difference between becoming successful and staying successful. You'll have to choose what you want to become.

There are a lot of things to explain, but right now, I just want to say, "Success is incomplete without struggle." We all know that the person who is successful right now has struggled for their dreams at some point, and this applies to everyone who wants to be successful.

Maybe instant success gives you instant gratification, but in the long term, it will destroy your dreams. Trust me, I wasted two years searching for shortcuts to success but found nothing that I can use for my real growth.

You know, if you have a dream, then the power to achieve that is within you. No struggle is bigger than your determination. That's why be fully determined for your purpose, instead of focusing on problems.

Lastly, I just want to genuinely say there is beauty in struggle; just change your point of view.

Thank you for reading this article.




Hey there! I'm ranjeet a writer fueled by curiosity and a passion for storytelling. Here on Medium, I explore topics like- self improvement , inspiring stories