The Beauty of World-Building

And how to begin crafting your own universe

Sam Duffy


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Photo by Marko Blažević on Unsplash

Like many others, I grew up enamored with the worlds crafted by world-building authors like J.R.R. Tolkien, Neil Gaiman, C.S. Lewis and Philip Pullman. Their worlds and characters helped shape me into who I am today and helped inspire me to write. The worlds they created were ones I wanted to climb into and live in. Hobbiton always ranked as the number one place I wanted to live while Narnia brought me the wonder of watching a world grow from the ground up with The Magician’s Nephew.

I am creative thanks, in large part, to a diverse background in literary works that began as a child. I’m not proficient at painting, or music, nor am I talented in sculpting. Still, I enjoy pouring my creative energy into something I’m passionate about. Usually this takes the form of writing, whether on Medium or simply for myself. I’ll occasionally spend time writing a character initially intended to be used in an RPG only to realize it is no longer a character I want to share, instead keeping them for myself — one of the benefits of not relying on writing for my livelihood.

Another facet I sink time into is world-building, that is constructing a world from the ground up. This is done by authors to shape the world their work…



Sam Duffy

I am a queer writer studying English at Berkeley. In my free time, I write about what I'm most passionate for: literature, media, and the writing process.