The Best Blogging Platform To Get Started With For 2021

The answer might surprise you!

Ewan McBride
6 min readJan 20, 2021


Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

Many people are waiting to start their own blog so that they can increase the amount of money they make each month and create an extra income source.

There are so many different platforms that you can choose from like WordPress, Squarespace, Wix, HTML, and much more. In this article, I am going to tell you what I think is the best blogging platform in 2021 and then I will explain why I think this!

DISCLAIMER: Everything in this article is my own opinion and other people may suggest using a different platform, I have chosen this from personnel experience.

Best Blogging Platform

I have used so many different platforms for blogging in the past but I have always come back to the same one. A lot of people would expect me to say something like WordPress but this is only good if you want full control over your entire website.

This is not the best option for people that are working a lot so don’t have time to manage a full site and spend hours on things like SEO and getting ways to monetize.

I think that the best blogging platform is Medium for quite a few reasons which I will talk about in-depth in a little bit.

I have always gone back to Medium because it is so simple to use and everything is already done for you. All you have to do is create amazing content that people will want to read.

I started originally with WordPress and after a lot of technical difficulties I gave up because I just didn’t have the time. I think had a go at a few other platforms but Medium is by far my number 1.

Let’s take a deeper look into why I think you should start a blog on Medium in 2021!

Photo by Kevin Bhagat on Unsplash

No Website Set-up Needed

Starting a website can take a lot of time to get it looking the way that you want it but maybe you don’t want this because you are working full time or you are like me, in full-time education.

Getting started on Medium is super simple because all you need to do is create an account and start writing articles. You don’t have to worry about creating a website, installing plugins, and managing themes, all this is done for you.

While you may not be able to make your blog super customized on Medium, it does guarantee that you will get a great page load speed time and your readers know exactly what to expect.

You don’t have to worry about optimizing your blog for SEO and making sure that the customer experience is excellent because Medium does this all for you.

Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash


When you run a blog with something like WordPress, you have to monetize your blog with something like ads or affiliate marketing. The most common form of monetization is adding ads to your site so that you can make money for every person that visits your site.

The main problem with this is that can ruin the customer experience and you don’t earn that much. Having ads on every page can make your site look less professional and it might not be worth it because the pay is quite low.

Medium solves this by offering something called the Partner Program. Medium users pay $5 per month and you earn a slice of that if people read your articles.

This is great because the customer experience is excellent plus you can earn a lot more. You also will have a lot fewer things to worry about because having to place every ad on posts and connection networks can become a bit of a pain.

Photo by Christopher Gower on Unsplash

Writing Articles

When writing a normal article that you want to rank in Google there are quite a few things that you need to worry about. You need to optimize your post for SEO, format the post and make it aesthetically pleasing.

This can be particularly annoying because it stops you from writing a lot more and this means that you have less content to publish. It can also become quite annoying having so much to worry about just to upload one post.

Medium solves this by having a really easy to use a text editor that handles all the metadata, formatting and it is really easy to use. This means that you have a lot more time to writing high-quality content that others want to read.

Photo by Le Buzz on Unsplash

Getting Views

When you write an article on a blog like WordPress there are only a few ways to get a large amount of traffic. You have to rely on SEO, Pinterest or paid advertising and all three of these take a lot of work.

Medium has many different ways that you can get views but I am going to explain the top 2 because these are game-changers for any blogger who is starting blogging!


Curation is when a real person at Medium reads your article and decides if it should be further distributed to their audience. This means that if you write a great article, it can be added to different topics and maybe even the home page.

This is great because you can start getting views really fast and right from the start. All you have to worry about is writing great content that follows Medium’s guidelines.


Publications are another great way to get views on Medium because you can have your article published to potentially hundreds of thousands of people.

Getting into publications can be quite easy and once you are in, you can submit as many articles as you want. If you are just getting started with blogging then this makes Medium the perfect option for you.

Photo by Domenico Loia on Unsplash


When you start a blog on any publication, you have to take into consideration how much it will cost to get started and how much it will cost to continue running.

I wrote a whole article on how much it will cost to start a WordPress blog and if you would like to check that out then click just below.

When you start a Medium blog it is 100% free because you don’t have to pay for a domain, hosting or website builder. This makes it amazing for anyone who is just getting started in blogging.


Anyone who is just getting started with blogging should definitely with Medium because it is free, easy and you can do it when you want to.

Saying all this, if you want to have a fully customizable blog and you have a lot more time then you should start a WordPress blog. If you are a beginner then go forMedium!

