The Best Blogging Sites that will Pay you to Blog

Coke Francis
Published in
7 min readApr 8, 2022


Photo by ŞULE MAKAROĞLU on Unsplash

It’s the modern-day dream, isn’t it? To become a hip and trendy blogger, working from your bedroom in house shoes or even at some cozy little cafe somewhere, updating your ‘Sex and The City’ style blog, living the Carrie Bradshaw life like you invented it.

Okay, Carrie was actually a journalist, but a blog is pretty close, right?

The dream of making oodles of money online blogging can happen, but one key to success is finding the right blogging community for you!

For instance, I love the Medium community and have a great time here. So, I spend a lot of time on Medium talking to other writers and hanging out here. While I am just communicating with other writers and readers, my own work is being looked at. I’m essentially marketing without even being aware. This makes putting your work out there and getting views a heck of a lot easier and kind of fun!

The more comfortable you are with the blogging community, the more success you might have. And it is a FANTASTIC time to be a writer, because there is SO MUCH MONEY ONLINE and many different blogging/writing communities to choose from!

Here I have a list of some popular blogging platforms and communities that will pay you for getting reads on your blog. You can start your search for your new blogging home here!

